Chapter one

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??? pov

I ran with my older sister, Kate, from the green fog that surround us. "Keep Running!" Kaye yelled, I was extremely exhausted from the running, After all I am only 5. Kate ran extremely fast, before the outbreak Kate used to be in the best runner in all of Vaniville town.

I saw the border not far from us. "C-come On! A little further and we're safe!" Kate cried out, I didn't blame her, our mom, Grace, was just turned into- into, one of those monsters, and ate my dad, and tried to eat us! "Hurry up!" One of the Officers yelled from behind the border. Kate was able to run in but I tripped on a twig and fell to my face. "S-" I couldn't make out what Kate said cause the fog poured my vision. I kept hearing Kate scream and yell, but I couldn't make out a single word.


What seemed like a hour, My Eyes fluttered Open. I jump back back at what I saw, I was surrounded by zombies hovering over me. I let out a squeak and jumped up, "woah, woah, calm down." One of the zombies spoke-er, groan. I flinch at this and look around noticing I was surrounded by zombies.

"Huh? Your hair! It's not green! But your not human, why?" A little girl- Zombie, Girl? Idk!!! I quickly grab my hair and look at it and it's it's normal color! The-the fog touched me, Why did my hair not change color?! A zombie wearing glasses and a lab coat that looked like scientist walked up to me. "Hmmm," he hummed as he touched my hair, I slapped his hand away and let out a low growl. I was always protective of my hair, I never ever let anyone touched it besides me, Not even my Mom, sister, or dad could touch it!

The man-zombie- Man zombie? I mentally nod at my decision to call him, let out a low chuckle "It looks like you weren't fully transformed." The man zombie mumbled. "Oh, my names, Liam," the zo- Liam said. "Welcome to zombie town!" Liam yelled gesturing to the town behind him.


And that's how I became a zombie. I never saw Kate again nor my mother. I looked all over zombie town in hopes of finding anyone I knew, but atlas, luck was not on my side. Not only that but, Us zombies have to wear these stupid uniforms, wear Z-Bands, And we have a curfew!! It's un-fucking-fair (A/N: Lol, it chances 'Fucking' to 'ducking' and I laughed my ass off), like, we aren't that different from humans! We don't eat brains! ..... anymore at least.

"Serena! Hurry up before your late for school!" My caretaker, Ava, yelled from downstairs. Ava was a nice, pretty, Young women, only 25, she used short Brown, Dark Brown Eyes, and tanned skin, but when the outbreak happened and she got infected her Brown hair turned a light pretty green, and her dark brown eyes became green with blue veins, it's actually really pretty.

Oh, I just relieved something, I haven't told you my name! But you might know now since Ava yelled it, it's Serena. Once a kind, sweet, loving girl, now a cold, Mean, That kind of stuff kind of person, don't get me wrong, so like being a zombie, it's just... nevermind.

"Serena!!" Ava yelled again, but this time a little impatient. "Coming Ava!" I yelled back, I grabbed my book bag from the 'chair', Well is not really a chair, it's just a shopping cart cut in half with a pillow placed inside of it to make it more 'comfy', and ran down stairs. "Bye Ava!" I yelled walking out of my house and was immediately greeted with my two idiot friends, Drew, and Paul.

Today was the day we get to attend human school, and let's just say I was not as excited, but Drew was extremely excited. He's been waiting for this day since he was little. "I can't wait! How will they treat us?!" Drew yelled/asked, I flinched a little but Hardly noticeable. "Tch, probably the same as always, if we want a chance in how they treat us we gotta demand it!" I said pushing away from them. Drew rolled his eyes and Paul scoffed. "come on, thing about it-"

"No you think about it! They treated us the same for hundreds of years! Not even daring to step foot in here, and when they do they only come to egg our houses or humiliate us! I say we demand to be treated like them! We're not THAT different!" I snap stepping into one of the broken cars in front of Drew's house. Drew opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it. "IF WE WANT A CHANCE, WE HAVE TO DEMAND IT!!" I yelled, spreading my legs a bit and throwing my fist in the air as other zombies surrounded the car I was on.

I was about to say something else when a deep voice, from behind me, beat me to it. "Ahem, excuse me, miss Yvonne but I suggest to shut that zombie mouth of yours and be grateful you are even being aloud to step outside of the border." I groan and mentally pray that, that wasn't who I think it was. I turn around slowly and saw the devil herself "Ms. Delia." I said bluntly jumping off the car walking to her.

Delia was the mayor of the human town and the zombie town and was is charge of everything! She made the humans ether wear Pink dresses, Pink shirts, pink shorts, Pink skirts, pink Leggings, Pink anything or Blue dresses, Blue shirts, Blue shorts, Blue skirts, Blue leggings, Blue anything! And I. hate. It!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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