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"Crushes are a dangerous cycle of feelings, especially those that involve friendships."

Tomorrow couldn't have been more awkward for Jimin.

He's embarrassed, to say the least. After he had gone on that shopping spree with Jungkook, he took a few moments in his lonesome room to reconcile; he had bought so many things for someone who held the simplistic title of just a friend. Hell, he flirted with someone who held the simplistic title of just a friend. He doubts that Jungkook even sees him that way, and Jimin becomes frightened, wondering if he's screwed up his friendship with Jungkook, the sweet and innocent boy that he meets up with at the library everyday. But then Jimin thinks back again, realizing that he doesn't even know what type of person Jungkook is.

Besides the fact that the boy was physically attractive and had an unholy obsession with books (though Jimin can't blame him, for he has one too), Jimin realizes that doesn't really known that much about the younger. Hell, he doesn't even remember the last time he'd seen Jungkook crack a smile, nor provided any commentary besides an occasional sarcastic remark here and there at their lunch table. He tries to think to a time when Jungkook had mentioned interests or, really, any personal information at all, yet... nothing.

Well, he knows that Jungkook doesn't celebrate Christmas, but it's such an insignificant fact that Jimin drives himself to delve further into his memories. 

The more he dwells on it, the more his head begins to hurt. Has he really spent so much time with someone he knows so little about?

Jimin barely acknowledges Taehyung when pops he into his frame of vision, box smile on display for all to admire. "Hey Jiminie-hyung," he greets, lazily plopping his tray onto the table. 

Jimin simply hums back, nearly unresponsive; his eyes are fixated on the burnished, coffee-haired boy sitting across from him. He's stuck in a subconscious daze, head tilting as he notes that he's wearing the shirt that Jimin had bought for him yesterday.

"Jungkook-ah, you look different," Taehyung comments, inspecting his new appearance from head to toe. "I don't think I've ever seen you out of sweats before. Are you trying something new?"

Jimin feels his face flush, prodding at his ear as his gaze snaps back down to his food, shoving it in his mouth before he can say anything stupid. 

"Yeah, went shopping yesterday," he replies nonchalantly, eating what's left of his jajangmyeon(1) as he shoves his plastic container back into the abyss of his lunchbox. "Jiminie-hyung said that the shirt suited me."

Jimin wants to melt into a puddle and decease.

"Jimin?" Taehyung questions, grinning when he notices the pink tint that's spreading across Jimin's face. A chuckle leaves his lips as Jimin elbows him, rather harshly he might add, silently mouthing off threats as discretely as he can.

"Well gee Jungkook, I never would've guessed that you swung that way," Taehyung says, almost bursting into tears when he catches a glimpse of Jimin's horrified expression. "Always thought you were batting for other team, but I guess I can see it on you."

Jimin and Jungkook are both silent by now, Taehyung's laughter being the only thing that glazes over the thin layer of silence.

"I thought you already knew I was bi."

That sentence alone sends Taehyung over the edge, nearly falling on the floor as he slams his hand onto the table. Tears are spilling from his eyes as he cackles out something that's barely on the edge of human. The perplexed look of Jungkook makes the whole thing even funnier to him, clutching his stomach in pain as he forces himself to cough it out.

Once he finishes, the trio go back to rambling about the rest of their day, and before the know it, they have to head off and back to their classes. 

But Taehyung can't help but think about the admiration in Jimin's eyes when he had looked at Jungkook, like the whole galaxy had been shaped to his figure, and he sighs.

He almost feels bad for Jimin, for he knows this perilous cycle of feelings for Jungkook, none of which have ever lasted. He knows what happens, what happens when they finally learn.

He should, as he had been one to go through it as well.


Jajangmyeon(1) - korean/chinese black bean noodles

does this even make sense?

should i give up on writing??? doES THE BEGINNING EVEN CORRELATE TO THE PLOT???

lol but jimin being a panicked gay™ is everything

okay one more chapter to revise and then we good, iz all guud

i'm kinda sick rn but it's fiNE

*inhales through nose intensely* 

okay but someone actually tell me how i'm supposed to fix the beginning literally i have no idea

this is still unedited lol

k bye


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