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Levi: so... Welcome to the survey corps

You: *sighs*

------------time skip cuz.....Twinkies-------------

You sat on your bed as you were lost in thought. You were dressed in your uniform ready to introduce yourself. Someone came into the room... It was the raven haired man. You looked up at him as he approached you. "Well... You coming?" He asked. You stood up and escaped your thoughts. He stared into your eyes as you stared into into. "Well... Come on" he said. You nodded and followed him out of the room. As y'all were walking, you could notice that he's been giving you some glances. You didn't mind but, something was going on with captain Mcshorty.

--------------time skip cuz..... I ate the Twinkies-----------

"ATTENTION" The commander said as you stood with your arms crossed in front of you. You looked down at the many soldiers and glared at them. "Meet your new recruit that will be fighting along side you... State your name" he said. You looked around at everyone for a while before answering. "It's [Y/n]." You replied in an annoyed manner. Everyone looked frightened of your appearance. "She will be assigned to Levi's squad" the commander said. "Levi?" You thought. Soon the raven haired man walked forward. "His name's Levi? THE Levi?" You thought. "Come on, brat" he said. The fact that he called you a brat triggered you but, you followed him. You hated his rude manner... That's the one thing you hate about a lot of people. Soon, y'all got in a carriage and y'all were off.

Levi: *staring down* so..... It's [y/n], right?

You: yes

Levi: I've heard a lot about you. You were a criminal underground

You: the toughest

Levi: *looks up at you* really

You: yeah

Levi: hmf.......... So... Tell me a little about yourself... I want to get to know you

You: *raises eyebrows* well....... I've lived underground my whole life. I-

Your mind: there is no way I'm tellin' him

You: I'm 29 (yeah you're 28, go with it), my middle name is [m/n], I'm not like most women-

Levi: how would you describe yourself?

You: oh... Umm..... I dunno... Really

Levi: hmf... I know how I would describe you

You: hmm?

Levi: I saw you that day you were captured. You know what to do when someone holds a sword up to you.

You: then how would you describe me... In one word?

Levi: ONLY one?.................Badass

You: thank you

Levi: heh

You: no one has ever described me before.

Levi: we're here

Y'all approached the castle again. The carriage door opened and Levi stepped out. "You comin' " he asked holding a hand out. You didn't take his hand but you stepped out. He looked kind of disappointed. But you didn't care. You both walked to a dusty room "clean this room" he said expecting you to do so. You sighed and he handed you a white bandana. You put it on and started cleaning.

----------------time skip cuz..... RIP Twinkies----------------

Levi came in and asked "are you done" nodded and took off the bandana. He looked around the room because it has never been so clean. "You did better then the other soldiers" he said to you. "Thanks" you replied while starring out a window. "So... " he began while sitting on the bed "sit" he said. You obeyed and sat next to him. "We didn't finish our conversation in the carriage so... Let's continue it now" he said looking slightly at you.

You: OK............ Thanks for calling me a Badass

Levi: heh... Now you didn't say anything about me

You: *looks at Levi*

Levi: how would you describe me in one word... Now that I think you made up your mind

You: umm.........

Levi: come on *scoots a little closer*

You: umm...... Heichou

Levi: hmf... Nice one

You: *looks away*

Levi: continue telling me about yourself

You: *sighs* like... What do want me tell you now

Levi: favorite color-

You: [f/c]

Levi: favorite animal-

You: [f/a]

Levi: favorite food-

You: none

Levi: hobbies-

You: slicing off meat, stealing, reading, writing, etc.

Levi: favorite singer-

You: No Name

Levi: *jerks back* really?

You: yup

Levi: umm...... Favorite person-

You: *eyes soften* no one

Levi: how come?

You: I've never had someone that loved me

Levi: do you mind telling me why?

You: yes... I mind a lot

Levi's mind: is it that bad?

Levi: alright

-----------Levi's prov.------------

I walked out soon after the long pause. That got a little awkward back there. I hope I didn't stir up painful memories for her. I ran into Hanji later and she beamed "hey Levi" she said with excitement. All I did was go around her, tripping her in the process. I headed for my office as I thought through what just happened. She liked No Name... Me? She probably already knows that's me... I mean the hair. And the shortness.

---------------your prov.------------------

He gave back painful memories-


You: no... Don't feed me that crap

Person: you cursed brat... Gets me riled up

You: what if I don't wanna eat that

Person: if you wanna live... *shoves food down your throat*

You did want to live so you chewed your food and swallowed it.

Person: good *snatches you up*

You: Hey! Let go of me

Person: *slams you on the ground*

You: *gags up blood*

---------------end flashback----------------

Why did he have to remind me of this. I was fine until he walked in


You: STOP!!!

Person: no

You we're covered in blood and tears as the man walked up to you and grabbed you by the arms. He stated pulling them and you thought they we're gonna snap

-----------------end flashback----------------

Painful memories are all I can think of. I need to erase my mind... Tomorrow is training day for me... I'm ready


Thanks for reading part 5!!! I hope you enjoyed and I will probably update today because life...

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