Intro| •Dream•

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"You cannot destroy me, I destroy me."


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Pain. All I felt was pain. My head, my chest, it all burns. Every part of my body is in flames. I desperately want it to stop. I'm scared, so scared. What is this? I can taste the pain I feel. In a course of sickening events, this of all things had to happen to me. Am I dying? I don't understand. Why can't I open my eyes? Oh god it's getting worse, someone help me please, I feel like I'm choking. I want to let out sobs, but I can't . I'd be so glad to let out those salty tears that got me pushed around so much, hell, anything to prove I'm still breathing and alive right now. I wanted to let out those tears that showed just how weak I am.

"Subdue testing for subjects A60, C1B, G37, 005, and 006. Testing serum success as predicted, especially 005 and 006. They should be fully functional in about two minutes and fifteen seconds. The rest we'll need to run calculations thoroughly on once more, as their response was rather mediocre."

Testing? Calculations? A bunch of numbers and letters? Am I at school? Is someone playing a sick joke on me? That's it. I'm going to try and open my eyes once more and pray that they aren't glued shut. I slowly pry my eyes open to see that I'm a hospital like room? Why am I in here? I was just in my room, how did I get here? What's going on? I takes some more time for my eyes to fully adjust. I look around, and I see see more people in the hospital beds. We all had on hospital gowns, like it was some sort of accident. Wait, did we get into a big accident. I don't think I know any of these guys, even if they look about my age, I can't properly-



Nearly jumping out of my skin I see her. Emerald green hair and ruby red eyes, staring directly at me. No blinking, just uncharted, terrifying , staring. It was unsettling to say the least, but she seemed a Her eyes looked almost soulless, like the life had been sucked away from them. It honestly made my heat break. I've always been an empathetic person, I know what it's like to practically have my entire being sucked away from me, but her eyes were different, wasn't right, she didn't look right. As soon as I sat up, she almost immediately jumped up and climbed on my bed like it was nothing. She even ripped the IV cords off her arm with ease and skill, only slight blood trickling down her pale arm. Plopping down right in front of me, she sat there, practically connecting her face with mine. "Woah, back up!" I thought. Though it was obvious she felt none of my discomfort, and sat in a kneeling position. Her nose touching mine as she looked me dead in the eyes with her own half lidded eyes. Her eyes scanned me up and down. The lady in the lab coat from before turned and gave a bone chilling smile, it was enough to scare an elephant away. The way the glasses glinted as she blushed with a pure psychopathic smile. It gave my whole body chills.

"Go on, go talk to your other half my dear."

The smile never leaving her face, if possible, it got wider. She was motioning one of us to talk. And it definitely wasn't the girl. She wasn't even paying her any mind, she practically seemed to let off an almost hateful aura. "So she must have done something to her."
I turned to the woman, still smiling, her silver hair falling into her face a bit. If she wasn't crazy, she'd be attractive. She wasn't going to stop smiling until I said something. Uh-


It was barely above a whisper. I was petrified of this woman. What was she going to do to all of us. I may not have the best life, but I still want to live my life as a whole, I'm only 14, I've barely had one to begin with.

"You're probably wondering what's going on. Well, I'll tell you. I'm doctor Arrow, but I'd prefer if you called me mother. You are patient 006. You will be addressed as that, but with what progress you've made, you'll soon enough be called son. This is project ErrorCode 55678, or for short, HEC. Any questions?"

"Any questions? Of course I have questions! Why am I here?! I don't want to be here, I want to go home please.."

"Why you're here?"

The smile was back, but it shone with a bit of logic this time.

"Well my dear, you're here because you're one of the perfect candidates. What I mean is, you're one of what we call, the near perfect humans. Everything about you all, is going to be perfect. You see, supernatural powers are in other people's eyes, an embodiment of fiction , but they're wrong. What we've found in you all is just that, so we're going to bring out those abilities and make you perfect."

If it was even possible, my heart stopped. What? So is she saying that everyone in here has some sort of untapped abilities and once we forcefully develop them, she'll make us perfect?

If I wasn't scared before, I was definitely scared now.

"What is your perception of perfect?"

A rather disgusting motherly smile adorned her face. Does she ever stop smiling? It making me sick at this point.

"Do you see your other half right there?"

I knew exactly who she was referring to. The green haired girl who only looked down with an emotion I couldn't place in a million years.

"Such an obedient and useful child. She's already developed her abilities to an extent, she's perfect."

I felt sick, really sick at this point. This poor girl had probably been in here for a long time, being tortured and tormented by this maniac. I have to find a way to get us out of here, I promise I'll help her.

"Y'know, our first ever subject was...striking in resemblance to you. She turned on us, and killed half of my children. You'll love your mother right sweetheart?"

Dear god why me?

"Y-yeah...I won't...mother."

I was afraid to make a wrong step at this point. One wrong move and I could have my head split open right then and there.

"Good....Such a good son for mother."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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