New Meat

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As the bus came to a halt, two new students approached it. The bus doors opened allowing two new students to enter. "Can you believe it Neil?" The girl said. "If it is happening right now, then yes Nikki, I can believe it."

 Nikki ran to a seat as if it were musical chairs. When she turned around to greet the student next to her, she froze. "Hi! I'm Nikki and I'm- uhhhhh..." The student turned to look at her. She had dark skin, short brown hair, glasses, and eyes that she could get lost into. "Hello?" She asked waving her hand in front of Nikki's face. "Earth to new girl." She continued. "Huh?" Nikki got back into focus. "Is anyone in there?" The girl asked. "Nikki shook her head aggressively. "Uh yeah! Yeah...right. Well anyways I'm Nikki and I'm new here. "I know. David told us." Nikki tilted her head in confusion. "Who?" She asked. "David's our teacher. He said we would get two new students today. A Nikki, who's you I guess, and Neil." Nikki nodded. "Mhm. He's my brother. He's sitting over there." 

Nikki pointed to her brother sitting at the back of the bus next to a kid who looked like he didn't want to be there. "So...uh how about that weather am I right?" Neil tried to make conversation with the kid which was proving to be difficult. "New kid, right?" a voice said next to him. Neil turned to see that the kid next to him had sat up to look at him. "Excuse me?" Neil asked. "Yeah I've heard of you before." He said. "You have?" At this point, Neil didn't know what to do. "Two new kids are supposed to come today. One boy and one girl." Neil was impressed that someone who looked like a drug dealer knew that much about the school. "Names Max by the way." He put out his hand. Neil shook it hesitantly. "So what's your name?" Max asked. "Neil." Neil responded. Max leaned back on the chair. "Well Neil, let me tell you something. Now when looking around this vehicle do you see anything unusual here?" 

"No. Not really." Max shot his head at him. "Oh yeah? Well look closer at em." Neil looked around the bus at the students. "See that kid next to your sister?" Neil looked at where Nikki was sitting. "That's Nerris." Max said. "She's really into Dungeons and Dragons, and any kind of LARPing." Max took an extra glance over at them. "And by the looks of it, I say that she's really into your sister as well." Neil sprung up. "Say what!" Max put his hand on his shoulder and sat him back down. "Who there nerd. Simmer down." Neil just grumbled angrily. 

Max tapped Neil's shoulder and pointed to two boys sitting on a seat next to each other. "And those two over there. That's Preston and Dolph. Two are great friends. I'm dating Preston, and Dolph has the hots for Space Kid." Neil looked at Max. "Space Kid?" Max nodded. "Yeah. He's over there, next to Harrison, my brother. The two are also great friends. His real name is Neil Armstrong Jr." Neil scoffed at that. "Yeah right. You're honestly trying to tell me, a man of science, that an astronaut wanna be sitting over there is related to the world's most greatest astronaut ever?" Max shrugged. "Hey man, I thought it was a joke too until his uncle came." Neil turned to Max. "Who's his uncle?" He asked. Max snickered. "Buzz Aldrin." Neil sat there looking like an idiot. 

Once he got back down to Earth, (Ha! A pun! I'm so lonely) Max showed him the other students. "Okay, let's make this quick." Max pointed to the other students as he went. "The girl with a purple streak is Ered, the ginger sitting there is Nurf, that other ginger is Pikeman, the guy with the eye patch is Snake, the girl with the eye patch is Tabii with two eyes." Neil interrupted him. "But doesn't she have one eye?" Max rolled his eyes. "Irony. Any who, next to her is Erin, and next to her is Sasha. and then finally, we have Petrol." 

Max reached out his arms in front of him. "And these are the spawns of hell that you call classmates!" The bus stopped and everybody ran out. Neil and Max both walked out. "Neil, what I'm about to tell you is probably the most important thing I will ever say to anyone in my entire life." Max paused as he waited for an answer. "In this high school, it's every man for himself." Neil took a deep breath and walked through the doors. He looked back. This might be where he loses his innocence and dreams.

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