The Sick lady at Mcdonalds

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It was calm day in the yard of prison for Sally the physco in prison. Inmates were scattered everywhere. She was anxious for good fast food. She was dreaming of chicken nuggets and fries from Mcdonalds. "Ughhhhhhhh THIS IS HELL!"Sally screamed her lungs out til they popped from her chest. She eased down. She took a few inhales and exhales. She wanted to escape prison and go to Mcdonalds. She distracted the gaurds. She even stole their key card. "HEY, GET BACK HERE!!!!!" A gaurd yelled. "See ya, sucker!"Sally the physco shouted as she drove a car wildley on the highway.
She arrived at a local Mcdonalds. But Sally was being tracked by the cops. She entered in the busy building. "Hi can I get chicken nuggets and fries?" "We don't sell chicken nuggets." A black worker women with cornrolls told her. Sally sighed."Well can I get chicken MCnucggets then???"Sally asked like a normal person but a bick crazy like on the inside. The black women who worked there responded. "Sure, let us cook your food."The worker girl said. The food was being smugged in grease. "Order 445!"The worker woman called for Sally's food. 
"I'm starving!"Sally exclained loudly. "That will be $4.50 please."The worker women told her politley. Sally realized she had no money. "I have no money. Sorry. Oh well, who gives a crap."Sally scooped the to go bag of food and dashed out of the restraunt. "HEY, COME BACK I'M CALLING THE POLICE ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!"The worker worker screamed chasing her. Helicopters surrounded Sally. "You are being arrested for grand theft mcnugget!"The police called out. "I WANT MY F-ing NUGGETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Sally howled loudly to peice your ears. Ronald Mcdonald popped out of thin air, almost as a halucination of Sally's twisted mind. "Thats MCnugget to you haha." Ronald squealed super high pitched. He put his thumb up and dissapeared smiling like a clown.
The police grabbed Sally. "LET ME GO!"Sally shreiked. Sally sihed,"Another Mcfail."
"Good luck in Mcprison."Ronald reappered and told her in highed pitched voice. "WOULD YOU SHUT YOUR A$$ UP!!!???!?!?"Sally snapped as she was escorted to the police car. They took her back. Yet another fail for Sally. When will she succeed?
The Mcend~badadapadba
Sally: Not lovin it -_-
To be countinued......                                                                           

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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