Chapter 4

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"What do you mean?" Asked Boch. His expression was confused as he tried to guess what Alfred was thinking from his body language. "Who was it then?"

"It was-" No. He couldn't say it. He didn't want to just tell whoever - he would have to tell Arthur first - somehow. "Erm, would it be ok if I called you with the details? I need to talk to Arthur first."

"Well - I'm sorry, what was your name?"


"Well, Alfred, I don't see the point in that. If Arthur has nothing to do with the murders, then why would you need to take up matters with him?"

Alfred glanced at the clock again, nervousness surfacing again, though he tried not to let it show - that would probably be noted as suspicious. They'd been talking for twenty minutes - surely Arthur would wake up soon?

"Look, you don't understand. Things are more complicated than they seem right now, so I really think it would be best for you to-"

"What's going on?"

The two men's heads snapped to the doorway, where Arthur stood. He was wearing pyjama pants - thank god, thought Alfred - and he didn't seem to be fully awake yet, so Alfred was glad he didn't seem angry at the sight of a police officer in the living room.

"Oh, hey Artie. Uh, Arthur." Alfred hastily corrected himself. "This is Officer Boch, he just wanted to ask us some questions about, you know, the recent events around the estate." Alfred noticed Arthur stiffen for a moment, but then relax again, and he gave a small nod.

"Ok. Just don't be too long. I'll make some tea. Do you take sugar, Officer?"

"Two, aitäh."

Arthur nodded with a small, friendly smile, before sauntering off into the kitchen. Alfred heard the kettle click, along with the clinking of mugs. He visibly relaxed into his armchair, and Boch frowned.

"I'm guessing it's not usually this relaxed around here, is it?" He tactfully kept his voice quiet, so Arthur wouldn't hear.

Alfred shrugged, trying to seem casual. "Eh, it depends, really."


Alfred thought for a moment. "The general atmosphere, the mood Art's in, the mood I'm in. You know, that kind of thing." Boch nodded knowledgeably.

"I think I understand. Now, I know you say Arthur hasn't been involved, but tell me, has he been acting differently lately?"

Alfred looked at Boch for what seemed like a long moment, before letting our a large sigh. What was he going to say now? Yes, Arthur had been acting strange - completely unlike himself - but if he told Boch, he'd only come after Arthur more forcefully.

"No..." The word and those that followed came out slowly, carefully, and Alfred shook his head, almost as if he was in slow motion and couldn't move any faster. "No, he's been perfectly normal."

He could tell Boch didn't believe him. The man gave him a card with the specific number for his department, and told Alfred to call if he needed anything at all. Alfred reluctantly accepted, slipping the card into his jean pocket.

Boch stayed for the tea, but it was just to be polite, obviously. They talked of almost nothing while drinking, only Arthur trying to make awkward small talk every few minutes. Alfred could hardly stand the awkwardness of it all. When Boch finally left, he collapsed on the couch.

"Ugh, finally! I though it would never end!" He noticed Arthur shaking his head, smiling as he stood up and collected the cups. "Hey, you're pretty hot when you're upside down," commented Alfred, grinning. Arthur chuckled quietly.

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