Season 2 Episode 12: F.F.F (Fight For Friends)

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Avi screamed to high heaven, a place he might soon find himself, when Kirstie lunges at them. He'd never witnessed something so terrifying.

Kevin shoved Avi out of the way, taking the tackle from the newly strengthened shewolf. He tried pushing her off, but she was both fast and strong. She grabbed him by the neck and carelessly flung him into the ceiling, turning her glare to Avi.

Avi backed away, "Kirst! Don't!" His eyes turned, preparing for a fight if pushcame to shove.

And shove it did.

Kirstie gripped his ankle tightly and pulled him close. She swung him around for a moment before he started bashing him into the wall. Avi couldn't even process what was going on. It was happening too fast. All he felt was pain and more pain.

Kirstie eventually got bored and threw him into the rusty shelves that seemed to decorate the place.

Kevin lunged, latching onto her back and holding tight as she flailed, "Avi! Run!"

Avi groaned as he pushed himself to his feet, shaking his head. "No," He narrowed his eyes, claws growing, "I'm not a coward."

He charged, football tackling Kirstie and Kevin to the ground in a large heap. Fists and kicks started flying in the darkness. The sounds of wild beasts tussling as if their lives depended on it. It was animalistic snarls. Finally, a deep one erupted. And it wasn't from Avi.

Suddenly, both Avi and Kevin were flung with new strength across the room. The sound of heavy snarling and bones popping rang through the buzzing atmosphere. For a split second, everything went quiet. Not even the slight buzz in Avi's ear seemed to be present.

Then, a loud roar erupted. Glass, or what little was present in the room, shattered to pieces.

Kevin didn't even feel anything until he was slammed so hard into a door it took it clean off of the henges. The room he slid into was heavily lit. There were pieces of paper everywhere, littering the walls. He couldn't admire it for long because Avi was sent flying out, as well.

Heavy foot steps began to approach from the darkened room. Nothing could be seen until piercing, angry green eyes began to stare into what felt like their souls.

Kirstie walked out. She was most definitely different. Her body was muscular and defined. She was broad and menacing. She was even a little taller. Her claws and fangs were longer. Her hair was more untamed, and her shift was more drastic and angry. She was slobbering, but she could care less.

She let out another loud roar, further intimidating her practically fodder opponents.

Scott sighed in relief when he spotted Matt looking at a door. He jogged over, calling to get his attention.

Matt gave a soft wave as he approached, returning his attention to the door.

"What did you find?" Scott asked.

"A door of some sort. There's a peculiar scent behind it. I can't quite place it, though." Matt answered, staring blankly at the door.

Scott nodded. He could smell it,too. He had absolutely no idea what this scent was. He soon realized how inexperienced with these kinds of things he was. Matt had probably been on multiple retrieval 'missions' with how he described members of his pack getting lost or straying away from the group.

Matt pressed his ear against the door, listening closely. He gasped and groaned in pain when a loud roar rang, pushing from the door and holding his ear.

Scott instantly knew something was behind the door. He stood in front of it, backing up just a tad. With all his strength he kicked the door down.

He saw Kirstie fling Kevin away with a mere slap, gripping Avi by the neck.

Matt frowned at the situation. He knew there was something wrong with the person.

Scott instantly bolted int, trying his best to pry Kirstie's hands from Avi's neck. It was difficult, seeing as she was much stronger than him. Still, he managed to free Avi from the tight clutches.

Scott grabbed Avi and turned, seeing Matt grab Kevin. He took this as the opportunity to run with all of his strength and speed.

Matt and Scott, holding the two beaten werewolves, raced away. Kirstie was in tow, picking up speed.

Kirstie wasn't starting to feel too hot. Her muscles started burning and her body started to heat up harshly. She started steaming a bit, her skin turning red. She started to have difficulty breathing. Her speed slowly died until she was on the ground, heaving. Soon, her eyes stopped glowing and her muscles mass returned to normal. She took a shaky breath before she dropped, passing out.

Scott looked back when he didn't hear her chasing, anymore. He stopped and set Avi against the wall. Turning around, he peeked past the corner slowly,being hesitant and cautious. His eyes widened when he saw Kirstie face down on the ground. He rushed over, sliding as he went down to her side. He took a look at her. It was like her body exploded, but not violently. She burned out.

Mitch limped around, frowning when he saw Kevin and Matt. He called to them, getting their attention. He opened his mouth to say another thing, but a roar sounded. A roar that gathered all of their attention. It was a roar from Scott. They all, even the wounded Kevin, quickly made their way to Scott. Even with the complex tunnels, Hey navigated through without second thoughts. They found him kneeling beside Kirstie.

Mitch was shocked. He covered his mouth, tearing up a little when he saw her current state, "Oh God."

"She's breathing, but barely. We need to get her back home." Scott said, scooping her up and carrying her bridal style.

Kevin sighed in relief. He finally relaxed into Matt, letting his healing factor work its magic. Matt smiled, "Job well done."

"Let's just get the Hell out of here." Avi said from around the corner.

Mitch chuckled, jogging over and around the corner. He helped Avi up, pulling him into his back to carry him.

Scott began walking, his pack behind him. Soon, they had successfully navigated through the tunnels and out the way they came.

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