eight - the book

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Bucky trailed after her into the fresh air outside the secluded training facility and she turned on him, her eyes flashing

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Bucky trailed after her into the fresh air outside the secluded training facility and she turned on him, her eyes flashing.

"I'm not sure you want to be around me right now," she told him and he cocked his head to the side in question in an adorable way. He gave her the puppy dog eyes that he knew she couldn't resist and took a few steps towards her.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked innocently, seemingly unable to hide the smirk on the corner of his lips.

"No," she lied. The smile spread across his whole mouth as he looked at her, shaking his head.

"Yes you are," he said, reaching for her hand. She snapped it away dramatically, making him laugh."Don't be mad, Rosie," he said gently, his voice enticing. He reached for her again, trailing his fingers down the bare skin of her shoulder around the strap of her tank top. She couldn't suppress the shiver it caused and he smiled again, obviously pleased with himself.

"Bucky..." she said his name but trailed off, every trace of anything other than lust gone from her tone.

"Mm?" he mumbled in reply, leaning into her and pressing his lips against the hot skin of her neck.

"I hate you," she whispered. He laughed, a low and throaty sound she couldn't help but find unbelievably sexy.

"No you don't," he breathed against her skin, and she shook her head.

"No, I don't," she agreed, wrapping her arms around him.

Just as she angled her lips up to kiss him, she caught sight of movement behind him.

"What the..?" she mumbled, unable to finish the thought because of a searing and sudden pain in her head. It occurred to her she'd been hit with something, and when she looked back at Bucky, it appeared he had too. They both fell to the ground and she felt herself losing consciousness fast.

"Rose..." Bucky's strangled tone saying her name was the last thing she heard before everything went black.


She woke up screaming. White-hot pain plagued what seemed to be her whole body and she couldn't see past the bright lights directly in front of her. She was strapped to some sort of table and the room she was in smelled like dried blood and alcohol.

"Bucky!" she screamed his name, startled when a masked face appeared in her line of vision.

"Oh, he can't help you now, I'm afraid," a man's voice said, sounding smug.

"Where am I?" she demanded, wincing as her body ached.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" the man asked, his face immediately disappearing from in front of her. She heard a door slam and then silence.

She looked around the room as best she could, giant spots in front of her eyes because of the lights. It was seemingly empty other than the table she was strapped to. The walls were dingy and gray and the only light in the room seemed to be the ones right above her. Coming up pretty much empty on her surroundings, she tried to take note of where exactly she was wounded.

She breathed deeply, trying to get a handle on the pain. It seemed to mostly be coming from her stomach and arms. She could feel hot sticky blood on her hands and it hurt to move them within the restraints.

Before she could assess any further, she heard a door open. She whipped her head to the side as best she could to see that Bucky had just stepped into the room. She knew immediately that it wasn't him. Everything about him was different. His face was darker and more severe and even the way he strode towards her had a different cadence to it than his regular gait. He approached her, and the closer he got, the more scared she became. His eyes were empty, void of any of the emotions that usually lived in them. She started to shake, not sure if she should say anything to him.

"B-Buck?" she mumbled, terrified.

"Shut up," he told her, unstrapping her from the table roughly and tossing her over his shoulder. Pain tore through her body and she couldn't fight him. She felt herself slipping back into unconsciousness and tried to stave it off but couldn't.


When she woke up again, she was laying in a field by herself. The sun beat down on her and it took a few minutes for her eyes to adjust.

When she could finally see properly, she looked herself over and wasn't surprised to see she was covered in blood. What looked to be stab wounds littered almost her entire body and she was pretty sure her right arm was broken. There was a wide and deep gash in her stomach that seemed to have been roughly sewn shut by someone who wasn't exactly experienced at administering stitches.

She reached into her jeans pocket, praying her phone was there. It was. Sighing heavily, she pulled it out and dialed Bucky's number. She wasn't surprised when there was no answer. She dialed Steve, tears in her eyes.

"Rosemary? What the hell happened? Where are you?"

Steve's voice was concerned and it made the tears that had formed in her eyes start to fall.

"Stevie," she whispered, using a nickname she'd started calling him when he and Bucky had started taking to calling her Rosie. He hated Stevie as much as she hated Rosie.

"Where are you?" he demanded again, and she could only sob. "Turn the GPS on on your phone. Send me your location and I'll be right there."

She pulled the phone away from her ear, doing as he asked.

"Got you. I'm coming, okay? I'm coming."

"Don't hang up, please."

"I won't. I'm here."

She didn't say anything else and he didn't either, but just hearing him breathing on the other end was incredibly comforting for her.

In what felt like no time at all, he was there. A helicopter landed somewhere near her and Steve's face appeared above her.

"Rosie," he said gently, looking her over. "Where is he?" he asked, and she shook her head, sobs still racking her body.

"He's... someone got the book," she managed, referring to the Winter Soldier book that contained the trigger words that activated him. As far as they'd known, the book had been safely hidden.

"Damn it," Steve said, mumbling something she couldn't make out into the earpiece he wore. "Come here," he whispered to her. "Do you think you can walk?" he asked, and she nodded slightly, leaning on him as she stood. "Here, just let me carry you, okay?" he asked, and she nodded. He lifted her, cradling her gently. She winced, leaning heavily into his chest.

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