Chapter 4

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"Because Lord Benton and his closest men are...," she wants to curse but holds back. Instead she shrugs and takes another sip of her coffee. She coughs after swallowing the hot liquid and shakes her head slowly. She can feel the eyes of both persons on her. Liz thought about it for a moment while staring into the flames. Hardly hearing Grace leave the kitchen when the first costumers arrive.

Life is already hard here in Canada. And going into this, siding with Declan Harp, has the opportunity to make it even more difficult. Her gaze finds his again, letting herself look at his broad shoulders before sighing. But maybe, it would get easier. Maybe Declan Harp is the man they all need before they were able to lead a peaceful and quiet life.

"I'm a widow," she starts, and Liz sees how he bends forward. His head leaning on the knuckles of his folded hands. "Life's already hard enough for me without Lord Benton wanting my hand in marriage, Mister Harp."

"It's Declan," his only reply came, thinking about what she just said.

"Then tell me, Declan," her voice is stern but still gentle enough to not make him rise and walk away, "why should I put my trust in you?"

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"Then tell me, Declan," her voice is stern but still gentle enough to not make him rise and walk away, "why should I put my trust in you?"

"You shouldn't."

His eyes intense while watching her emotionless features. Declan knows that the woman wants to hear he'd be the one whose able to make everything better. But he isn't. He is here to take vengeance for his family...not to console a widow. But something shifts in her features, it's small but still there and it caught him by surprise when he realises Liz is smiling at him.

"You're an honest man," tapping her finger on the table, "I appreciate that."

Silence lingers between them, both looking at each other and trying to read one another intentions. The only sound that is heard, is that of the wood burning and the wind howling outside. But it's Elizabeth melodic voice that breaks the silence between them.

"What do you need to know, Declan?"

"You'll help?"

"Yes. I will."

He leans back in his chair, biting the inside of his cheek slowly. "I've got nothing to offer in return."

"I already have nothing, Mister Harp. I can only win when Lord Benton is out of our way."

Declan tilts his head a bit to the side, "I need to know how many men he has. The exact number. And I need to know if Benton has a girl there. An English woman by the name of Clenna Dolan."

Elizabeth smiles and nods before getting up. "That can be done. Meet me tonight after midnight at the West side of town, there where the waterhole is. It's not far from my home and I shall give you the information. I'll send word to Lord Benton that I'll meet him for dinner."

She can't help but shiver by the thought of it and Declan notices it, but doesn't say anything of it. When Elizabeth closes the small distance between them with a few steps, he's looking down at her with a strict face. He almost takes a step back when she lifts her hand, but when Declan notices that she isn't reaching for him but for the fur around his neck, he holds still.

"It's cold out there," her eyes flickering from the fur to him and Declan notices a sad smile on her face, "I would suggest that for my help, if you have a coat or even a small scarf to spare, I wouldn't say no."

He knows she isn't lying to him, he'd seen her walk in when he'd been talking to Grace and noticed the blue around her lips. The woman's coat is old and worn, the gloves are a little better, but Declan has seen the stitches in them. Meaning she repairs them often instead of buying new ones.

"How long ago did your husband die?"

Her features remain unchanged when he asks this, making him think she had little love for her late husband.

"Three months ago," she replies while walking to the fire. "He left me with a roof over my head but that's it. That's why I'm here, I'm looking for a job..."

"And you have one," Grace Emberly's voice comes from the door. The woman apparently sneaked in again. Making Declan and Elizabeth look at her. "If you give the information that Declan requires tonight, I'll make sure you've got a job here from tomorrow on. I'll pay you for tonight too."

Elizabeth reflects on this, sparing one last look at Declan before turning her full attention to Grace. "I promise, I'll get that information."

"See, Declan," Grace smiles, her hand on her hip and the other on the table. "My girls always get the work done."

He laughs, a surprising warm sound to Liz's ears and she glances sideways at him. For a moment her thoughts wander, and Liz wonders how he'd look like without those clothes on him. But she quickly regains her posture and grabs her coat.

"I'll better get going and make myself presentable for Benton," she murmurs, while putting her coat and gloves on. "Midnight," she says again before leaving them both in the kitchen.

Once outside in the cold, Elizabeth takes a few deep breaths and prays she has made the right decision by working together with Declan Harp.

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