Chapter 19

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Just a head's up : this is a chapter out of Declan's PoV and will contain smut. 

Declan's POV

He didn't plan on kissing her. Hell, he didn't plan anything like this, yet his hands travel down to her knees, so Declan can easily pull up her skirt until it settles around her hips. And Elizabeth was willing to co-operate when lifting her hips just a bit, so the heavy cotton skirt stayed put underneath her torso.

Declan could feel the hurry in Elizabeth's kisses; the way her lips nipped at his and as soon as he broke contact, even if it was to breathe, she quickly pulled him back against her. Tracing kisses from his cheeks to the corner of his mouth before deepening the kiss again.

His mind was chaotic most of the times; thinking about hunting, about revenge, planning and plotting. But when Liz's fingers start pulling and grabbing, trying to loosen his belt buckle, Declan could only think of one thing and that was getting her knickers of as soon as possible.

A groan escapes him when one of her cold hands suddenly touch his naked flesh after releasing him of his buckle and opening his trousers. Declan breaks the kiss and looks at her then. The dark made it hard to see but he could feel her warm breath against his cheeks and he notices her breathing speeds up when he shifts her slightly. His thumbs curling around the rim of her knickers and sliding them down until it rests at her ankles.

Her movements slow down. Long, elegant fingers curl in his hair when Declan comes back up to press a light kiss on the corner of her lips, noses touching each other. And even through the darkness of the forest, Declan can see how she looks at him with those green eyes of hers.

Liz's hands travel down his back and slide of his breeches. A hint for Declan to proceed and with one movement of his hips, he enters her causing her to tilt her head back into the grass. The soft moan that leaves her mouth makes his heart speed up and when Liz moves her hips against him, Declan closes his eyes and groans silently.

It doesn't take them long to find the perfect rhythm together. They start slowing while he kisses her lips, neck and back up again but when Elizabeth mumbles a curse out of pure ecstasy, Declan swiftly grabs her wrists with one hand to hold them above her head. With the other he pushes her knees a bit higher, making Elizabeth lift both her legs to circle around his torso.

His mind is a total blank by then, only hearing his names being murmured from her lips. Her begging him to have him deeper. He can't escape the way his body reacts on hers. The way she arches her back and how her lips pull him in for deep and passionate kisses.

But Declan also feels the unmistakable built up inside him and traces kisses from her lips to her ear. "Come," his voice hoarse, his eyes closed while pushing deeper inside her. She turns her head slightly to face him and when he opens his eyes, Declan nods with a light smile tugging at his lips.

He can feel and see the moment her orgasm takes control over her; her lips part and Liz holds her breath for a few seconds while her walls clench around him. All these things combined would have made him come undone without a problem but its the way she keeps her eyes on him that made Declan come after another deep, slow thrust.

He curses and pants while giving her another few thrusts and he's rewarded with sweet and small kisses on his lips. Her hands, now out of his grip again, cradle his face between them and Declan lets her.

But only for a few moments...then his mind's back to chaos again. Remembering Captain Chesterfield and his men, remembering Lord Benton and remembering his daughter and wife.

He swiftly breaks away from Elizabeth, hears his name being said a few times, but Declan isn't listening to her.

"Get dressed," he said while putting his daggers back in place.

Busy with strapping every weapon back into its place, Declan realizes Elizabeth is silent. He can only hear the ruffle of her dress and the creaking of the grass where she's sitting. Glancing over his shoulder, he can see her frame and how she's having difficulties getting up from the small hill where she's sitting on. Her shoes weren't the best for the outdoors, let alone to find a grip on the lose sand.

But she tries again and again, making Declan smile while looking at the stubborn woman before him. He knows he was being rude to her, it wasn't her fault. Nothing was.

Reaching out his hand and Declan locks eyes with her in the darkness. "Let's go," his voice is softer, gentler now. He wants to help her. And if he was honest with himself, he wanted to feel her lips against his again. But Declan knows he can't do this to her. Not with everything going on around him.

But Elizabeth doesn't take his help, instead she gets up and lifts her chin high. "I can help myself Mister Harp," her voice sounds cold and Declan lowers his hand again. But there was something else hidden in those words and when he takes a step closer to pull her towards him, he can see the tears on her cheek.

"I'm sorry," he says, meaning it.

"I'm not," she shoots back and starts walking into the right direction of the small camp.

And Declan Harp stood there in the darkness for several minutes before following. Cursing the fact that this young widow silently had stolen his heart and he had no idea how to get it back. 

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