Chapter 1

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A/N: Okay, so I know that Sakura time travel fics are often done, but I love them so much! I feel like being able to go back and change some of the aspects of the story-line with Sakura in charge is so fun. Though I have read a shit ton of Sakura time travel fics, the two that have influenced this story the most are: A Twist in Time by wolf08 and Reversing Time by havanatitiana. I highly advise that you check those two out as they are INCREDIBLE stories. Anyway, this fic will stray from cannon pretty damn quick and will be LONG. Also, Zaman means time in Arabic. If I'm incorrect, please tell me. My Arabic skills are rather elementary since I recently began learning it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto at all. Who do you think I am? Someone that cool? All characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

She knew it was too late once she saw the blinding light coming her way. What was there left to do? Stopping those two was impossible at this point, so she only had three choices left. Let Sasuke and Naruto kill her in hopes they'd realize that their feud was meaningless, let Sasuke and Naruto kill each other, or utilize that jutsu. Logically, the latter was the way to go; it involved no killing, but there was such a large margin for error, Sakura couldn't help but feel uneasy. Realizing she had hardly two seconds left before she would die, she acted on instinct. Her hands flew through the signs without even thinking, the seals on her body illuminating as the jutsu was put into action.

"You two are such idiots!" She exclaimed as she finished the final hand-sign. "Look what I had to do to fix your mistakes!"

She clenched her eyes shut, awaiting pain. If the jutsu didn't work, she would be doubly impaled by a rasengan and a chidori; if the jutsu did work, she would likely experience pain similar in caliber minus her death.

The pain hit. It felt like every cell in her body was being individually ripped to shreds, reassembled, then destroyed again. It was so blinding and so incapacitating, she couldn't even tell if she was screaming. After what felt like an eternity, the pain began to subside. She regained feeling in her limbs and quickly realized that she had survived. That meant-oh god. Sakura paled as she realized the implications of her success. After the horror she had seen in the past month, from the death of those close to her, to the horribly mutilated bodies on the battlefield, she knew facing her peers again was going to be difficult.


She sat up in her bed, scanning the room. A wave of nostalgia washed over her as she recognized the pink and red wallpaper she had as a child. As she rolled out of bed, she also realized how much smaller and weaker she was. Since her main purpose now was to alter the future and stop Sasuke, she would have to train like crazy to make up for her nearly emaciated state. She rummaged through her wardrobe, picking out the clothes she wore when she was twelve, cringing at the impracticality and childish qualities. Sighing deeply, she changed into them. Before she left the room, she remembered what important thing was happening today. She was going to be assigned a team.

This means that I can start off on a better foot with Sasuke! She realized, grinning at her epiphone. Maybe if I don't seem like a total fangirl, he'll appreciate team seven more.

Sakura began to formulate her new plan. Step one, she decided, was her physical appearance. Since she had woken up earlier than she needed to, she took the extra time to cut her flowy pink hair and change into a more practical outfit. Feeling satisfied with her new look, she dashed out of her house, trying not to let her mother see her.

"I'm leaving now mom!" Sakura announced once she had reached the door, relishing the fact that she could address her mother in such a carefree way, "It's my first day of being a genin, remember!"

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