Chapter 1

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Anxiety gnawed on Dan's insides as he approached the looming dorm buildings of Harrison Academy, known for prestige and the beginning of a new life. He was nervous about his move into the boarding school's life, not knowing what to expect, not even knowing who his roommate would be.

The roommate is what scared Dan the most. Would he be nice or mean? Funny or dull? A womanizer or a loner? Dan was typically not a very outgoing person in the first place. He always felt awkward in social situations, never knowing just what to talk about, or even being too damn lazy to actually open his mouth to speak.

A roommate was definitely not on his most wanted list, but by now he would do anything to get away from the place he called home for the last seventeen years of his life.

The clunking of Dan's shoes on the pavement made him twitch with every step as he nearned the prison-like dorm. Reaching a hand forward, he grasped the iron door handle with as much force as he could muster, letting out an all-too enthusiastic breath of air.

Then he pulled it open. 

He knew that the dorms were much bigger than the average, considering it was a sort of rich kid school, but his mouth hung open at just how much larger it was. It had two rooms, a bathroom, and a fucking kitchen all put into a tiny flat! All was silent throughout the halls. It was like no one had lived here, although Dan knew that wasn't true. He wandered the halls slowly, picking apart every aspect of his new home. The kitchen, especially, was terrible. It smelled pretty badly and there were no windows to clear the stench that made the brunette gag.

He got out of there as quickly as possible, opening a door on the other side of the hall, before squeaking in surprise at the sight before him.

A pale man was stood by his bed, completely naked except for the thin material of his boxer-briefs. The man looked up in surprise as well, black fringe falling into his pale blue eyes.

Dan stepped back and slammed the door shut, fleeing into the only other bedroom and locking it behind him, embarrassed at the ordeal.

Phil, on the other hand, blinked when the younger boy ran away. He suspected him to be Dan, his new roommate, and he felt considerably guilty for scaring him off already.

So he finished getting changed, throwing on a pair of black skinny jeans and a green flannel. He cleared his throat before knocking on the closed door of Dan's new room.

A shuffling noise came from inside as Dan untangled himself from where he threw himself on the lumpy bed that was prepared for his arrival. He opened the door slowly peeking out from behind it to look at the black haired man whom he had seen mostly naked only minutes before. He smiled when Dan made eye contact.

"Hi, I'm guessing you're Dan?" He asked, a slightly northern accent to his velvet voice. When Dan nodded slightly, he went on. "I'm Phil, your new roommate."

Phil let his grin grow wider when Dan opened the door to reveal his slightly wrinkled clothes that consisted of a pale shirt with cats on it and black jeans that were so tight they had to be uncomfortable. Phil felt slight satisfaction as he realized that Dan was slightly shorter than himself. He let himself looik over the contours of Dan's features, noting the soft brown hair laying across his forehead and chesnut coloured eyes that carried an air of nervousness in them.

Dan was the perfect example of an awkward new kid. 

Phil shuffled his feet uncomfortably as Dan stared at him up and down, but Phil pretended not to notice. If Dan didn't feel like speaking to him, hil wouldn't force him. After all, the brunette did just walk in on him half naked.

Phil cleared his throat. There weren't many instances in which Phil was speechless with a lack of knowing what to say. "So Dan, would you like to grab something to eat, considering we're going to be living with each other for the next year?"

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