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After walking on the path for about an hour and a half we eventually reach the Banyan forest. It is quite dense and looks a bit dark, I suddenly get cold feet, do I really want to go in there?

"Don't be stupid, Fran!" I think to myself. "It's trees what can they possibly do?"

I hear an owl hoot and I gasp. The girls smile.

"Did you get a fright there, Fran?" Asks Cindy.

"Maybe. I just didn't expect it." I reply.

"It's all right, Frances, we're all a little nervous." Bella says comfortingly.

Marina takes my hand, I take Jo's, she then takes Bella's and she takes Cindy's. I notice Cindy blush a little, it's probably just nerves.

"Are we all ready?" The princess asks.

I take a deep breath and say, "Yes, I am."

The others say that they're ready. We take a step forward and another and another. As we are walking I realise that it was silly of me to worry as I am perfectly safe, yes the forest is a little dark but I have my best friends by my side and someone who can perform magic! So yeah I feel great.
I know it won't last, however, as we have a lot of walking to do maybe even some nights in a tent. We are walking East towards a river as that was where the X on Regis' map was, it is our best guess as to where the High Priestess is. We are just hoping that she is there and that it is not Violet Méchant's secret lair.
The dirt path gets smaller and we can't all fit so I walk with Jo and Marina whilst Cindy and Bella walk at the front, talking quietly together, occasionally one of them will look behind to make sure that we're alright.

"Guys do you want to have a sing-song?" I ask after a while.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Marina squeals. "Oh what will we sing, Fran?"

I think for a minute, I've seen loads of obscure musicals but I try to think of a good song that everyone will know.

"Mamma Mia?" I suggest.

Marina squeals, Cindy and Jo both say 'ok'. I tell Bella not to worry about not knowing the song she'll pick it up quickly.
We start singing, me and Jo are good singers (although Jo will never admit it) but Cindy and Marina aren't the best but we're all having to good a time to care. Bella joins in for the last chorus, now she is an amazing singer. We sing the song another three times before we stop. We walk for another hour just singing songs and walking.
When we stop nobody says much, except Bella and Cindy who are muttering together. I think about home, they won't know that I've gone yet but I miss them, my mum, my dad, my brothers and my hamster, Sparky. I miss Sparky the most, obviously I miss my parents and my older brother, Liam and my little brother Ryan but Sparky is my little hamster. He lives in my room, I feed him, I play with him, I give him all of my love, I'm the only one in the house who likes him.
I think about when we get back, maybe I could write a musical about Elendor. Yes that's a good idea it'll start off with the people of Elendor singing a song called 'Elendor'. Creative, I know. I try to come up with a little tune but I can't think, we've been walking for several hours now and the excitement we got from the singing has worn off. It's getting a bit darker now too, it's getting nearer nightfall. We find a small clearing and pitch two small tents. Then we make a small fire.
We sit around the fire. We get some of our food out and we are about to eat it when Belladonna stops us.

"What's wrong, Bella?" A worried Marina asks.

"Additis." Bella says pointing at Marina's food. I assume it's a spell but nothing happens. "Additis."

Marina screams in surprise as her food multiplies. Bella smiles at her.

"Put half of that back in your pouch. Sorry it took so long, multiplying food is tricky."

She does the same spell to everyone else's food. We eat our bread from the bakery (it is delicious) and then we sit about and chat. We tell Bella about our world, she is fascinated by it and then she tells us about her world. Elendor and the other kingdoms seem like really cool places.
Marina asks me if she can share a tent with me, I agree. Belladonna says that she won't take a tent, she'll stay up on guard duty but Jo says that she wants to do it as she isn't tired. Bella protests and says that it wouldn't be fair if Jo has to stay up to keep watch as she is new to this land. Again Jo protests and eventually Bella gives up and allows Jo to be the guard dog.
Marina, Jo and me walk a little bit away from the fire so we can dance, Cindy and Bella just chat quietly. I really like Bella but I think that Cindy gets on with her the best. I teach Marina  and Jo one of the dances I have to learn for my theatre school's production of Billy Elliot, they are failing miserably but they both manage to keep a positive attitude even Jo.
We soon all go into our tents, Jo sits in the entrance to Bella and Cindy's tent, she will keep guard for a few hours then Bella will take her place. Marina falls asleep within minutes, it is then I discover something awful. Marina, talks in her sleep!

"Leave me alone all I want to do is fly. I'm not bothering anyone." She says.

She rolls about and kicks me several times. Then she whispers something that I can't make out and starts spooning me.

"I love you Chase." She mutters.

I lie there uncomfortable and confused. Who is this Chase? Surely she doesn't mean...?

"Oh she does!" I exclaim.

Marina Zelaway has a crush on Prince Chase of Caster. I am so making fun of her for this in the morning!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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