fan chengcheng + justin

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☆♬○♩●♪✧♩((ヽ( ᐛ )ノ))♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

fan chengcheng x justin


justin perfected the last move of the ei ei dance, and he smiled at the trainees watching him and bowed. everyone in the hallway of the dorms applauded justin. the only person who didn't applaud was the brown-haired boy sitting at the very back of the crowd in the hallway. he scowled at how perfect justin was. even all the strands of justin's hair was slicked back perfectly. his body was perfect, he was amazing at rapping, his dancing skills topped a lot of people's and lastly he was so.... beautiful.

the brown-haired boy left to go back to his dorm room, leaving behind the cheers for yuehua entertainment's huang minghao. the boy thought to himself... this couldn't be.... jealousy? no. he was just as good as huang minghao. even better than huang minghao. he would show yuehua that he was the right pick for the top 9 of idol producer. this time HE would show off who was the best. chengcheng, the jealous boy, was so caught up in his own wicked thoughts he didn't even hear his friend zhibang walk back into the dorm room, followed by other trainees.

"huh, chengcheng, why're you here?" zhibang asked with a confused look plastered over his soft face, "everyone else is out there looking at each other's performances, what about you?"

"no. i'm quite happy here by myself." 

chengcheng sat down on his bed and fiddled with his fingers aggressively. the other trainees peeked around the door, waiting patiently for zhibang, but also looking at chengcheng in a weird way.

"i'm tired. i'm gonna sleep." chengcheng snapped. 

zhibang looked quite startled - he had never seen this side of chengcheng. zhibang gave his friends a look of apology and shooed them away. 

"stupid, stupid, stupid!" chengcheng repeated, punching his pillow over and over again, until he felt better, "zhibang, am i a good dancer? do you think i'll be able to sing and dance on stage like justin?"

zhibang was utterly confused, "cheng... you're not.... jealous are you?

chengcheng looked up at the black-haired boy, leaning off the edge of his bed, "so, what? he's better than me... right?"

zhibang laughed, and got up to sit next to chengcheng, who then re-adjusted his position and sat exactly the same way zhibang had done, "so.. you're jealous."

there was a small silence, and this was because chengcheng really didn't know how to respond. justin was like... someone he could never be. but he wasn't jealous? he just hated justin and he did't know why.

"you and justin are just as good as each other. until you start realising that you won't live up to your reputation or do your best in life, let alone idol producer. talk to justin, don't loathe him."

chengcheng nodded. he would set things right. 

the next day, justin was performing again in the hallway. it was the only way you could get feedback was if you asked, or if you performed in the hallway. everyone cheered again, and this time, so did chengcheng. he felt a surge of happiness as he clapped and cheered for his fellow trainee, instead of loathing him.

"well done, justin!"

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»


just here to say that you guys' requests are so nice! literally i was reading them the other day and i got so soft because they're honestly so amazing.... i can't wait to write them! i'll probably close requests, because next week i have exams, which means i'll have less time to write. i'll still write in my spare time though!

- m

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