I'll be fine... eventually

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I got out of my car cradling
a big brown bag of groceries in one arm and a gallon of milk in the other. As I walk up to my house I see two cars parked in my garage, one bright red that belongs to my husband Liam, but the grey one next to it was a car I had never seen before. I shake my head thinking nothing of it and continued to walk up the drive away and into my beautiful home.
I grab my keys from my pocket to open the door, however when I lean'd slightly on the door it opens slow. Giving a puzzled look, I took a step inside. My eyes are instantly drawn to the two wine glasses on my kitchen counter. One was half empty with a red lipstick stain on the brim, the second one was almost empty with a little pool of wine left at the bottom. Next the glasses there was a plate of half eaten strawberries.
I dropped everything I holding and heard a loud bang when it felt to the ground. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath taking in the fact that I just found my husband cheating on me. I heard a door open in front of me, looking up I see Hayden, the girl Liam was madly in love with in high school 5 years ago.
She wasn't with a shirt on and only short shorts with a black bra on with her shirt in hand. We starred at each other neither saying anything. I took another breath and with my breath shaking I spoke with angry and sadness, "Get out. Put your shirt on and leave my house." She didn't reply and threw her shirt on and walked out without a word.
I heard the shower running so I stood outside the bathroom door waiting for him to finish. I leaned back on the wall, arms crossed and head down. The water stops and Liam comes out towel rapped around his waist. He stopped in his tracks and stood frozen in front of me.
I looked up at his face and sighed, "You know you never told me you liked strawberries. Never mentioned it."
His face filled with confusion, then realization slowly looked down at the floor.
I felt tears fill in my eyes as I let out a shaky breath I continued, "You know I might stay at Derek's loft for a little. Cause I think it might be best to have a little time apart to think, because clearly you spend a lot of time thinking without me."
"Tara..." he whispers lightly. But I just turn around and walked out of the house heading to my brothers place.
It's been three weeks since I caught Liam cheating. He's been calling and texting non stop, but I just ignored all of them. I didn't want to talk to someone that didn't love me anymore, yet didn't have the decency to tell me.
For the last week I talked to the lawyer and was able to get divorce papers. When I first held them in my hand I thought about all those years we spend together and how I just wasted my early twenty's loving some one that didn't love me back.
After work I decided to head to the house that once Liam and I shared happily and drop them off so he could sign them. So we could figure out the bank, Financial, and property problems.
As I pulled up to the once happy and bright house, but it seemed to be more dark and gloomy now. I head to the door to see everything thrashed, torn and spread around the house in pieces. Liam was leaning on the kitchen counter with his head on his hands. I walked up to the counter, leaning on the opposite side of him. I slide over counter the folder that contains the divorce papers.
" I need you to sign these." I said calmly. I got no reply, so I turned and started heading to the door. His voice made me halt.
" I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to go so far. It was only supposed to be a one time thing and it turn into... I still love you." Liam confessed.
" You can't cheat on someone if you're in love with them, you wouldn't even consider doing it." I whispered.
Liam was clenching his jaw, but just looked down.
"I'm sorry I hurt you, I never meant it. I..I hope you'll be ok." Liam whispered tears falling down his face.
"I had learned a long time ago how to not feel pain, how to act like it's not killing you. Don't worry, I'll be fine....eventually." I said forcing a smile onto my face.
Liam's face however was red, covered in tears with a broke expression paste on his face.
That's when I turned and left for good, never looking back afraid of the pain waiting for me.

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