Lost Cause

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    Liam stood with his arms crossed tightly over his chest; his eyes slimmed into a narrow glare. He knows he's overreacting, but he couldn't stop himself from feeling the anger burning within him.... the tremors beginning to form.....and the pressure seeping into his head.

"It's just one test," Liam fights to keep his voice even.

"So it's just one game you'll have to sit out," Coach Finnstock sighs along with an eye roll.

     He doesn't want to bench one of his best players, but the fat red 58% on the top of Liam's latest math test doesn't leave him a choice. In complete honesty, Coach doesn't care what kind of grades his players get, but the school and the parents do. Leaving Couch no choose!

"Me knowing the difference between A and B in algebra shouldn't effect wether or not I can play lacrosse," Liam spits out.

"I agree with that, but I don't make the rules. Lord knows I wish I did. Listen kid, just do better on the next time to bring up your grade and we won't have to worry about this ever again," Coach shrugs before walking over to the benches to begin practice.

    Liam stands in the middle of the lacrosse field, with a look of defeat. No one seemed to care to the seething boy as they worry with their friends about exams and hurry off to class. He tries to calm his breathing, but he can't get control over the pounding in his head and claws piercing his hand.

"Hey Liam, are you alright?" Mason asked worried about his best friend.

    Liam shakes his head no, his hands clench into fists.

"What happened?" Mason pressured on leaving closer.

"Coach benched me for the game tomorrow," he huffed out.

"It's just one game, it's not a big deal?" Mason asks.

"Yeah, but that's how it always starts. One game turns in to two. Then two turns in to three. And suddenly you're not playing at all," he growls remembering how the cycle began at Devonport. 

"Dude, calm down. I'm sure that won't happen. " Mason said backing away slightly.

"Don't tell me to calm down," Liam voice lowers. Moving away to the side attempting to hide the blood dripping from his hands.

   Before Mason could say anything else, Liam sprints towards the locker rooms without explanation.

"Liam!" Mason calls.

"Don't follow me!" Liam yells back.

   Mason shakes his head before beginning his walk to class.


   The sound of pencils tapping against desk tops echoes throughout the room. A yawn disrupts the rhythm of tapping before it picks up again. There's nothing exciting about history. The past is in the past, so we should leave it there, right?

     Tara wants to pay attention. She wants to be interested in the discussion of civil rights: then vs.now. The history teacher is comparing the disparity of the black man to the disparity of a gay man. Getting distracted she noticed an empty seat  in front of her.

"Mason," she whispers to the boy sitting next to her.

"Hmm?" he mumbles back.

Tara's the kind of girl who only wants to mind her own business, but no one ever seems to let her do that. Scott's new pup should be the last of her concerns, and yet she can't help but watching over the new beta. For a reason she can't explain, she's developed a relationship with the troubled boy.

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