Author's Note

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Guess what bois and gurls, we back ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ

That's right— after three years of me disliking Wattpad and updating anywhere but here, we're back, baby.

*insert finger guns*

Here's a few things you should be aware of before you start reading:

-there's been a lot of revisions, so if you read it here and think you know the story, think again :p
-revisions over the years included a complete rewrite of all first person chapters into third person, so if you stumbled across some first person (and it's like just a bit of it in a chapter where everything else is third POV), just point it out and I'll fix it

-a lot of chapters were shortened to make it easier to read because six thousand words is not easy on the eyes (and also better for my beta reader) (bless you sushi if you ever come here)

-there are 49 chapters of Road to Hell over on AO3—it is a complete work over there

which means


-it's gonna be awhile before everything is updated

-this version will differ from the AO3 version. I'm going to divide it up into three separate works (we'll get there, I promise), and the chapters will be in a different order than AO3. Don't worry, it's the same base story in either place, just with minor differences and some scenes added/ deleted (kinda like differences between a manga and its anime)

On the topic of triggers and the like: If you have any past trauma relating to being attacked or have problems with blood and such (run far far away from this fandom), head over to AO3. That version of this fic has warnings in the chapter notes.

Thanks for your patience, and as always, validation gives me motivation so slap that vote star on every chapter you like and comment the h*ll out of this story (hehehe puns) if you want faster updates

<3 Kencha

link to AO3:

quickie quarantine update:
a complete rewrite of Road to Hell is in the works because I reread things and was not a fan because I am my own worst critic :V
The general story's gonna stay the same, but hopefully with less questionable out of character things and better grammar

First tho I have a real job so ;-; it won't be a fast process
Updates to come, keep an eye on my profile feed for more information
love you all, please enjoy the first book in the Hellbound series,

The Road to Hell.

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