You're Mine (Logicality)

435 13 1

Published: March 3, 2018


Category: Random
Pairings: Logicality, (a little) Prinxiety, (Platonic) Moxiety


Patton, deeply yet sweetly laughed, he was alone in his room, as always. The room was dark, things were scattered around, ripped bed sheets and a knife in his hand. The only light that was there was a red nyon light that was directly pointing at Patton's cork board that was filled with his senpai's pictures, Logan. He laughed again as he lifted the knife up and dragged it across the board, ripping apart all of the pictures he had, secretly, taken of Logan.

To think that he wouldn't do that to his board, but he was mad. He was- was mad because... he... he was jealous. Jealous enough to rip his one and only access to seeing his senpai. He let out a shaky breath, sweat dripping from his face, his knuckles were white from gripping his knife too hard and blood was dripping from his cheek from an... early... beating at school. He was just protecting his senpai from his too... touchy friends. All of what he did was just teach those people a lesson, especially that Deceit guy. Oh how he hated his knotty attitude towards his senpai, his lovey eyes, his smile when he sees his Logan. And oh how he wanted this knife in his thro-

He was cut off as his bedroom door opened, revealing his roommate; Virgil. The anxious teen looked around his friend's room, seeing a lot of things on the ground and ripped pictures. He wasn't at all afraid of Patton's actions as he too has gone through his friend's situation. But Virgil has changed for the better and he was just hoping his friend would also change, that's why he stayed with Patton even after he recoverd; he wanted to help him... but after one day, he stopped helping him...

"You doing okay, buddy?" Virgil said, closing the door behind him.

Patton nodded, slowly facing his friend, losening his grip on his knife, letting it go and a surprisingly loud clatter was heard from it. His head was hung low, hands were now shaking agressively, tears were threatening to fall and his breathing was coming out in short huffs. Panic attack!, Virgil thought as his eyes widen and quickly rushed towards his friend, just in time as Patton collapsed in Virgil's arms. Sobbing, Patton gripped his friend's hoody.

Virgil led both of them to Patton's torned down bed and laid him on top of the bed's sheets. He laid there, his breathing was slowing down as Virgil taught him his technique. When Patton finally calmed downed, he fell asleep. Seeing his friend's state, Virgil left his room.


The next day, Patton was surprisingly calm, considering last night's events, he still felt in peace. But that thought completely flushed down.

He was walking in the school as noticed his senpai, talking to that creepy snaked faced guy again. He quickly hid behind the closest tree to him, peeking from behind. But as he did so, his heart dropped cause Logan looked... happy, being with Deceit, to be more clear. That made Patton sad, stunned that he didn't feel his blood boil from jealousy. And it was quite a big thing since Logan rarely smiles or be happy to be with someone. It seems as though Patton felt guilty for stalking Logan so much that it clouded his judgement to consider his feelings for once. Never in his life he would thought that having a panic attack to realize his attitude was not as ideal for someone to like him.

Patton sighed and shook his head, what's the point of stalking him if you wouldn't even make him happy to be with you, he thought. The bell rang, signaling that class was about to start, he considered on skipping school but that would just make a bad impression of himself.

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