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"Fatherrr." I whined.

"Yes, Marcelle?" My father asked strenly.

"I dont want to go to Attlanta." I said in my best little girl voice.

"Sweetie its not that I dont want you with me, it's just that I dont think it's best for you to be with me. You know I'm always moving around and your mother is the only reason I kept the house."

"I don't see why I can't go to London with you?" I whined.

"This is the end of the discussion Marcelle." My dad said quite mad.

"Argg." I grunted I looked at him into his blue eyes, he looked pretty young for a guy in his thirties.

I opened the mirror on the passenger side of the jeep, I knew we were close to the airport where I would be shipped off to Atlanta, Georgia. I looked in the mirror my hair was straight just passed my shoulders, my new makeup I got for my 13th birthday, was perfect. I looked decent, not my best but not my worst, I took one last glance in the mirror. My hazel eyes staring back at me, I sighed and let my mind wonder of who I was gonna sit next to on the plane, hopefully not a cranky child. We arrived at the airport.

"I'll visit you on Christmas break, and I love you," My father told me afterr giving me a goodbye hug, All I said was "I love you too." back, I could still hear his words echoing threw my head, and all I could think was if you love me why are you sending me to boarding school? I stood in the airplane line up as... I start to see somebody that caught my eye.

OMG OMG this can't be happening. I was standing right behind CHANDLER RIGGS! I gasped at my luck, making him turn around and look at me. He started to speak.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes, I guess I'm just alittle scared of flying." I lied, I had to makeup something so he would find out I was fangirling.

"Well dont be it's really fun, you also get a beautiful view." Chandler said.

"Oh thanks I guess I shouldn't be too afraid right? What are the odds of crashing?"

"Yeah, I have been on a few planes before and one heli-" "Ticket please?" A rather big man asked Chandler. ''Oh yeah, here it is." He said handing it over to the man, "Well nice talking to you." He said while smiling back at me. All I could think about were those beautiful blue eyes and wavy hair. I broke out of the thought as the same guy asked for my ticket. I handed it to him and walked onto the plane.

I sat in my seat, well I should say first class seat. I looked beside me and saw who I would be sitting beside for the next 9 hours. It was no other than Chandler Riggs, well I didn't want to seem shy so I decided to start the conversation.

"Funny seeing you here." I giggle.

"Well it's my seat." He said while hitting the side of his chair.

"So Chandler how's your day going?" I asked.

"Well Umm I guess you could say it's been alright. Wait! Before you ask me why it was just alright. I would like to know your name." he asked.

"Well I wasn't gonna ask that, and my name is Marcelle." 

"Thats a nice na-" Chandler tried to say, but was cut off by the captain speaking.

"Please secure your seatbelts, We will be leaving as soon as possible."

Before I knew it the plane had took off, it seemed that the plane was leaning forward, but then again I have never been on a plane before. So I couldn't say anything in worry of looking like a fool, but then I heard Chandler started to speak quite worriedly.

"Somethings wrong." He said in a panicked voice.

"Please stay calm, Yes we are crashing. Just secure your seatbelts and stay sitting." The captain said.

All I heard after that was screams from everywhere. I hooked up my seatbelt as Chandler did the same.

I glanced out the window, all I seen was water, but by the looks of it we would be crashing near an island, thats a good sign atleast. I looked over and grabbed Chandler's hand, he looked at me shocked, but the fear in my eyes and all he did was tightened his grip. I laid back telling Chandler to do the same. That when it happened I heard the thud against the water. I unhooked my seatbelt as fast as I could, Chandler mimicked me. I ran to the emergency door, letting go of Chandlers hand to jump into the cold water and started to swim to the island. Which wasnt that far away, only a 7 miunte swim away from the plane crash. I laid on the sandy shore of this unknown island. I had finally caught my breath as someone stood in front of my sun. I opened my eyes to see Chandler. He was holding a bunch of supplies, He gasp as he talked. 

"I grabbed...... some..... suppiles since..... were gonna.... be here... for awhile." Chandler said out of breath.

       ~~~~~~~ ONE HOUR LATER~~~~~~~~

"We're the only ones Chandler." I said.

"Atleast we have each other."

"But everyone else on that plane are dead, it's been an hour, the plane has been under water for forty minutes, no one else made it Chandler. No one is coming out were stranded here, Alone." 

"I know, but atleast were not completely alone atleast." He said.


"Okay, Now lets start to build our new home."

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