A. D. D. I. C. T. I. O. N.

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the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.

Marvin smiled as he was dragged through the bar, the man with his arm copying the same expression he had as he led him to the bathroom. It was a Friday night, most shifts at work places carried late on this specific day so it was easy to lie to his wife to come here and mingle with a few strangers. Not that Marvin didn't like his wife. No- he liked her. She was sweet, kind, and caring, but he was a closeted homosexual, a man who preferred dicks and ass. Though she didn't know that, and he wasn't planning on telling her anytime soon. It was bad enough that there relationship was rocky right now, this would only make it worse.

Marvin's thoughts however, were knocked out of his head as soon as the slam of the men's restroom door could be heard. The other man, who told Marvin his name was 'Whizzer' smirked deviously, hiding probably many layers of unshed thoughts. Next thing Marvin knew they were in a bathroom stall, uncomfortably compacted together. Like a package of sardines.

"So..." Whizzer started, wrapping his arms around Marvin's neck. The air had grown more dense and thick, the tension increasing as the distance between their bodies decreased. Marvin could feel his tie being slid off as the others hot breath captivated his neck. He kept his casual smile though and put his hands on Whizzer hips, squeezing to return the feeling and not be awkward. "So," Marvin repeated. "Is that all you can say? I honestly expected more from a pretty boy like yourself."

A small tut could be heard in retaliation, Whizzer's face drawing back from his neck. That used- to-be smile was now replaced with an upset frown, an eye brow raised on Whizzer's part. "Oh... is that so? Why have such high expectations for a mere stranger? That's a bit much to ask for don't you think?" Marvin removed his hands from Whizzer in total and shrugged, then placing them in his pockets. "Eh, not really. I mean- if you look the part you got to act it, right? That's like thinking a person at a strip club can't do a lap dance. When their job is to literally do that subject. So with your pretty boy looks, I had assumed you'd be a bit more interesting than what meets the eye.." Marvin sighed and poker faced, exhaling deeply. "Guess not." Whizzer rolled his eyes as a scoff exited his mouth. "Whatever.." His hand was still near his neck which made Marvin a bit antsy. This man could kill him. Though he didn't, Whizzer pulled him by the neck so he could whisper something in his ear. His hot breath rasped on side of Marvin's neck and his ear, sending tingles and shivers down his spine. Marvin bit his lip, excited/ curious as to what Whizzer was going to do.

"Wanna know something Marv?..." Before a word could even form in the back of Marvin's throat he was cut off. "They call me a drug, more specifically cocaine...you know why?" This time Whizzer was giving him a chance to answer. "N-no, Whizzer. I do not know why you're called cocaine, want to enlighten me?" "Gladly, handsome. They call me cocaine because once you get a bit of me, you're addicted. Once my mouth is on yours, my taste will linger in your mouth and you'll be craving for more. Once you have me and try to stop, it seems like you can't live without me and you'll perish if you can't get another rush. Everything is numb. Believe me, many guys have told me I'm a drug... and honestly," Whizzer smirked, pulling back from Marvin's neck and kissing his lips softly. After he pulled away he whispered, "I take it as a compliment.."

Marvin's heart fluttered at the very feeling of Whizzer's soft pink lips on his own, feeling butterflies clutter up in the deep pits of his stomach. Maybe he was right? Maybe Whizzer was indeed a drug- something that he would soon grow addicted to and couldn't stop? Should he leave? Stop this now?- He shook his head to empty his thoughts and cleared his throat, adding his knee between Whizzer legs. The reaction from Whizzer almost seemed priceless, as if he wasn't expecting that move to be played. Marvin smiled, placing a similar kiss on Whizzer lips, like the man had earlier given him. The kiss however, this time, was much longer and passionate. Though when they parted for the much needed factor of air, Marvin spoke up.

"It's a good thing then, Whizzer-" The other man tilted his head with a confused look. Hmm, was he not expecting that? "I needed a new addiction to satisfy my needs, and obviously, you're my person." Whizzer now chuckled and removed his hands from Marvin, reaching out a hand towards the restroom lock and fiddling with it until it was as open.

"Well then come on, Mr. Marvin. Drugs are expensive, and just like that, so is my time."

[Okay. If you got this far and enjoyed the story then I'm very glad!! I know this isn't as long as the last one but I really like this :). I have about 10 drafts right now of many different whizzvin things so oof, I'm pretty busy. Anyways- I hope you enjoyed this and have a nice day/ night!!!


Word count: 930 words

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