Stay With Me Until The Dark Times Shine Bright

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"Hey Whizzer?..." Marvin's hoarse and quiet voice rang out in the dark hospital room, Whizzer's body stiffening up at the sudden voice, only to soon prick back down in realization. "Y-Yeah Marv?" Whizzer's voice was much like Marvin's. Both had a subtle hint of tiredness and grief. Both contained a thick layer of rough and dryness, though Marvin's seemed more sad then anything. Whizzer's was just lazed back and hushed. "Stay with me... please-" Marvin looked down at the white hospital sheets with a perplexed expression, gripping the soft material tightly in his balled fists. "I..I can't.. I just- it- it hurts y'know?... What will I do without you? I- I'll be all a-alone a-a-and I-" By now tears had far surpassed Marvin's eyes and were dripping down his cheeks. Whizzer had reached a hand out towards him in support but Marvin denied it, sniffling and waving his hand away. "I-I'm fine.. just.. I don't know... I honestly never thought this would happen-" "Marvin it's oka-" Marvin wiped his eyes shaking his head. "No, Whizzer- how is this okay?? You- I- you're dying! How am I supposed to live with this and watch you as you deteriorate even more every fucking second and pretend this is all okay! Because honestly- it's not! I hate watching you suffer every second of the day! I hate watching when you're looking as pale as a ghost as you burn up with a fever... I barely even know if you'll live every moment that passes...I-I just can't pretend I'm fine, I'm not. You're not... I just wish we were..I wish it all were.."

By now Whizzer had sat up. His arms draped over Marvin's front and held him tightly in a loving embrace. "Marvin... I love you, more than I have ever loved anyone. I don't like this as much as you do. At least you're not the one going through it... a-and hey, why not make it while it counts? We're spending time together right now, hmm? Just.. just accept this. As much as I and you do not want to, we have to. This is my fate and my fate is my own fault... we- we all got to die some time and now- death calls out. " Marvin frowned, "I don't like it. Even if you gave yourself to this so called 'fate'. Fate can kiss my ass, I love you and I want you to stay... and I'll fight death too. Where's death calling from? I'll pick up that phone and I'll give death a piece of my god damn mind, for trying to take my boyfriend away. " Whizzer couldn't help but fall into laughter, soon laughing so hard he could only hold his sides and cough. Marvin smiled at him, happy he lightened the mood a bit. Yet those dark thoughts still lingered at the back of his mind, eating him from the very inside and out.

Why couldn't he have stopped this?

How could he let this happen?
It was a damn game, one damn game. And yet he threw a tantrum and chucked out the most important being in his life to the curb, only to leave him to catch one of the most feared things at this time. It was all his fault...

Two years.. two years of time.
Whizzer's laughter had died down entirely, leaving only the whirring sounds of the now turned on air conditioner to circulate throughout the room. Apparently some time had passed because soon enough Marvin found Whizzer tapping at his shoulder and calling his name.

"I- yes Whizzer?-"

"Marvin." Marvin turned around to be face to face with his lover, looking at their current state. Whizzer's used to be pink and soft lips were now dry and chapped, their usual bright color drained to a faded state. His once beautiful hair was now capped by a beanie like hat. Those eyes, that used to hold a mischievous fire now dwindled, that fire flickering back and forth to try and stay aflame. It hurt. It hurt to see his lover, the person Marvin once bickered with, his now everything, in this state. He blinked, edging Whizzer to go on with his statement. "I-" Whizzer's hand slipped into Marvin's, his face holding concern. "Are you okay? I'm tired of this all being about me.. you're here too. Now you need to act like it. Just because one of us is dying doesn't mean the end of the world, and when I do pass you can't be sitting here as this baby bitch Debby downer. I don't want that- and you should remember that part specifically." Marvin sighed and held Whizzer's hand firmly, his eyes gazing down at only the bed sheets. "No... I'm not okay, you're not okay, this is all- I don't u-understand Whizzer..I-" Marvin took in a sharp breath and exhaled unsteadily. His hand which was laced with Whizzer's trembled, much like his lip as it quivered to hold on to a downpour of tears. "I can't.. do this..not without y-you..." Marvin let out a dry sniffle and let his head hang low. His gaze never lifted from the bed and it wouldn't. How could he stand to look at someone who would be gone in a matter of days. Because of his actions. They say when you love someone, let them go. But if you really love them why do you let go in the first place? If your relationship is slipping then you're supposed to hold on and pull each other through this, not let everything falter.

A soft sigh could be heard the side of the bed.


His hand that was so very tightly held with Marvin's slowly untangled itself, up from his hand to his arm, then to his shoulder, slowly tracing over to where his hand was over his heart. Whizzer's head leaned down on Marvin's other shoulder, his lips placing a soft yet chaste kiss to his neck. Marvin was confused but still kept his head low. That was, until he heard singing. "Remember me..though I have to say goodbye. Remember me, don't let it make you cry. For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart," Gradually Marvin's head perked up as Whizzer's voice carried out, a dim light shining in his eyes. "I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart... remember me... though I have to travel far," Whizzer's voice was as smooth as silk, each word that penetrated Marvin's ear sounding more beautiful than the last. He smiled fondly, leaning his head against Whizzer and letting his eyes flutter shut. "Remember me, each time you hear a sad guitar...Know that I'm only with you the way that I can be... Until you're in my arms again, remember me...."

"Thank you, Whizzer. I needed that... I love you so much"

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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