Chapter Seven.

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July 18th 2015.

"Hello? T, are you home?" Chelsee shouts as she makes her way in the front door.

"I'm upstairs." I reply as I change position in bed. I hear the front door slam shut and Chelsee making her way upstairs.

"Hey..." Chelsee says as she finally makes her way into my bedroom.

"Hi." I reply forcing myself to smile as she sits at the bottom of the bed.

"You look... Uncomfortable." She says and I sigh.

"I am. I'm really uncomfortable! And I keep getting these pains." I reply placing my hands on my stomach.

I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant with twins! It's been exactly one year since my trial finished. Obviously, I got found not guilty on everything and The Sun was forced to publicly apologise to me.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Chelsee asks and I sigh.

"Can you pop downstairs and get me some water please?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Of course babe." She replies smiling. She gets up off the bed and makes her way back downstairs. I sigh as I lean my head back on the pillows. Five minutes later Chelsee returns with a bottle of water for me.

"How long have you been getting pains for?" Chelsee asks sitting up on the bed beside me.

"Since last night. I'm going to tell you something Chels but you cannot freak out! Can you promise you won't freak out on me?" I ask and she nods her head.

"I think I'm in labour." I admit turning to face her.

"O-Okay. What should I do?" She asks attempting to keep her cool.

"I need you to phone my midwife. She's called Lacey. H-Her phone number is on the fridge." I reply groaning as I get another contraction. I grip the bedsheets with my hands as she quickly nods and makes her way downstairs.

The contraction seems like it lasts forever. They're not really bad but they are pretty painful. Chelsee rushes back into the room after a couple of minutes with the phone pressed to her ear.

"How far apart would you say you're contractions are?" She asks and I glance at the clock.

"Ten minutes or so and they last about 40-45 seconds." I reply and she repeats the information. She mutters a few things on the phone before nodding her head and hanging up.

"Okay... Lacey says we've to time the next few contractions and if they get to 5 minutes apart and 1 minute long we've to go to the hospital." She says and I nod my head.

"Okay. Can you pass me my phone so I can phone Aaron?" I ask and she smiles. She passes my phone to me and I dial Aaron's number.

"Hey babe... How you doing?" Aaron asks as he answers his phone.

"Az, I'm in labour." I reply and I hear him gasp.

"What now?" He asks and I laugh slightly.

"Yeah, now. Chelsee is with me but I need you to try get home as soon as you can." I reply.

"I think we better head to the hospital babe." Chelsee says and I nod my head. It's been half an hour since Chelsee phoned Lacey. My contractions are now four minutes apart and one minute long.

"M-My bag is in the nursery." I reply breathing deeply.

"Okay. I'll go grab that. Will you manage to put your shoes on?" She asks and I nod my head. She smiles and leaves the room as I climb out off bed. I wander towards the end of my bed and begin to slide my feet into my shoes when I suddenly feel a wet sensation trickle down my legs.

"CHELSEE!" I shout and she comes rushing back into the room.

"What's happened?" She asks with my bag slum over her shoulder.

"I-I think I just wet myself." I reply and she laughs.

"No, I think your waters just broke." She says and I nod my head.

"That would actually make sense." I reply and she smiles.

"I'll grab you some clean underwear and joggies." She says walking towards my dresser.

"I'm glad you're here Chels. I mean obviously I'd much rather Aaron but since he's not here I'm glad it's you." I reply and she smiles.

"Aaron will be here soon babe and until then I ain't leaving your side." She says as I kick my shoes off. She pulls some clean, black joggies out my dresser along with clean underwear and passes them to me.

"Here get changed." She says as she turns her back to me and begins using a towel to wipe the floor.

"Bonus points to you for cleaning up my baby goo!" I say causing her to laugh.

"Come on you. Let's go have some babies!" She says once I'm changed. She links my arm and helps me down the stairs, stopping at the bottom until my contraction has finished. She helps me out to her car and drives us to the hospital.

"Oh fuckity fuck fuck fuck!" I cry as I have another contraction. I am currently 7cm's dilated and these contractions are coming thick and fast. Aaron still isn't here. His plane should have landed a couple of minutes ago but Chelsee has remained by my side throughout the whole thing.

"You're doing so well T." Chelsee says as she dabs my forehead with a wet face cloth. I breathe deeply as the contraction finally comes to an end. Using Chelsee's hands I pull myself into a sitting position and groan.

"Never do this Chels... Never get pregnant." I say and she laughs.

"Okay." She replies still dabbing away at my forehead.

"Aaron should be here soon T... He'll be here before they're born I'm sure of it." She says as I allow my body to drop back onto the pillows behind me.

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