Sea Life

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Sea life is very important because without sea life and sea animals a lot of people would have no job. Some people fish animals like fish, sharks, crabs, and shrimp for a living, so if sea life didn't exist then a lot of people would be out of a job because there would be no sea life. That also means that if you ever go diving all you would see is water and rocks. The ocean is wonderful it's like a whole new world . Half of the world is not even discovered yet, just like the ocean. Soon more of the ocean is going to be discovered with new technology and courage. A lot of brave people are going to discover some of the ocean, but until that happens I hope I see you under the sea.



The Arctic ocean is the smallest of  the oceans and takes up only 4% of the 5 oceans. It is mostly frozen. Some sea animals that know how live in the Arctic ocean are penguins, polar bear, seals, puffins, Beluga whales, Orca whales, and more. 

The Arctic Ice in the Arctic Ocean is slowly melting away because of Global Warming (which is caused by human kind). This Climate change is putting the animals that live there at risk of dying and without these oceans we would ALL be at risk of dying since water is one of our basic necessities.

The arctic  ocean  is the least salty ocean and coldest ocean the artic ocean take up 14,060,000 square kilometers. It is bigger than Europe and almost as big as Russia. There 3 types of ice in the artic ocean polar ice, fast ice, and pack ice the polar ice doesn't melt so ever summer it would either be 2 meter of ice but in the winter it would be up to 50 meters.the artic ocean  over 10,000 square mile of ice melt away yearly.and there are a lot more  fish species in the artic been in the rest of the ocean.


The Atlantic ocean is the second biggest ocean in the world. There are five ocean pacific, arctic, southern, Indian and Atlantic ocean in all of those 5 ocean the Atlantic ocean take up 23% of the 5 ocean. Some of the animal in the Atlantic ocean is dolphin, blue whales, some type of sharks,Africans penguins, elephant seal, some type of jellyfish, manatee, manta ray, octopus, sea turtle and string ray.Natural resources in the Atlantic Ocean include oil, fish, sand and gravel, placer deposits, natural gas, and precious stones. the Atlantic ocean is 6.5 times as much of the united state of America.The Atlantic ocean formed during the jurassic period when dinosaur walked the world. the Atlantic ocean is one of the most fact full ocean in the world there are a millions of fact about the Atlantic ocean. The Atlantic ocean Atlantic ocean covers up around 1/5th of the surface of the earth and covers approximately 29% of the world's water surface area.that like a lot of sea


The Indian ocean is the third largest oceans. It is estimate that 40% of the world oil come from Indian ocean. the Indian ocean grow 20 cm every year. the Indian ocean a fifth of the earth surface.the Indian ocean took place at 36 million year ago . The average depth of the Indian ocean is 12,760 ft. the deepest point in the Indian ocean is 24,440 ft .the Indian ocean is the warmest out of the top 5 ocean. the Indian ocean the is a beautiful place to travel to .The Indian ocean is 28.400,000 sq miles. the cool thing about the Indian ocean is the Atlantic and the pacific ocean extend to the north of the equator the Indian ocean does not .The Indian ocean is one of the most beautiful ocean.

Pacific ocean

The pacific ocean is the largest ocean in the world. the pacific ocean covers 46% of thee earth water space.the word pacific mean peaceful in pig Latin. the pacific ocean it extend to the arctic ocean. Some of the pacific ocean animals are sea turtle, humpback whale, northern fur seal, orca/killer whale, tuna, sea otter, yeti crab, walrus, ray, blue whale, dolphin.all the ocean i talk about the pacific ocean take about 47% of the oceans.the pacific ocean is the deepest ocean. the deepest point is 35,840 ft . the average depth of the southern ocean is 14,040 ft.the southern ocean has over a thousand coral islands.The Marina trench is also in the pacific ocean it is more higher than mount everest. the diameter of the pacific ocean is five times of big of the moon diameter.the second largest island called new guinea is found in the pacific ocean.The pacific ocean can change climate of the whole world.the pacific ocean is actually name peaceful sea.

southern ocean

The southern ocean is also know as the The Southern Ocean, also known as the Antarctic ocean or the Austral ocean.It is the 4th largest ocean out of the five oceans The sea temperatures of the Southern Ocean range from -2 deg Celsius to 10 degrees Celsius. Winter is long and lasts from April to October.the southern ocean take up 6% of these 5 ocean .The southern ocean is right by Antarctica .So that is why they call southern ocean Antarctic ocean .The southern ocean surrounding Antarctic is the windiest, most dangerous ocean on the planet it is scattered with iceberg, glaciers ,and tumbled pack of ice. The deepest point in the southern ocean is 23,740 ft . the southern ocean wind speed is 190 mph. The average depth of the southern ocean is 11,000ft.Because the polar caps are melting, the Indian ocean grows like 20cm every years.One of the world's most dangerous natural event happened in the Indian ocean . this was the tsunami in 2004 which killed 200,000 lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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