Patrick's POV

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When we got to Applebee's we were seated right away into a booth. When we sat down we already knew what we were going to have. "I'm having the spaghetti and meatballs." Vera giggled. "I'm having the same thing. We both couldn't help but giggled. The waitress came by and started off by asking us what we both want to drink. "I'll have a sierra mist." "Water please." "Okay, I'll be right back with your drinks." The waitress said. "So, got any names picked out hon?" "I was thinking of if it's a girl Lily, Hailey, or Gracie. If it's a boy then Samuel, Michael, or Charles." "What do you think of those names?" "I love them all, but when it actually comes time to choose it's going to be hard." The waitress came back with our drinks. "Are you guys ready to order?" The waitress asked, pen ready to write. "I'll have spaghetti and meatballs." "Same with the lady." I gave Vera a wink. "Okay, I will be back with that shortly." The waitress smiled at us and walked away. "Anyways, I was thinking of maybe after dinner if you want we could stop by your parent's house and tell them the news?" "Sure, we can go." 15 minutes later then waitress came back with our dinner. "I hope you guys enjoy." "Is there anything else I can get for you guys?" "Could we please, get more napkins I'm a very sloppy eater." Vera bursted out laughing when I said that. "It's true!!" The waitress laughed at my joke too. "Sure, I will be right back."

An hour later

"That, was incredible food, I had a great time out." Vera said while getting into the car. "I had fun too." "So Vera, do you still want to go see your parents?" "You know what can we wait, I'm actually really tired." "Sure, it's fine." I started the car we headed home. Vera fell asleep on the way home. When we pulled into the driveway I parked the car and went over to Vera's size, and carried her to the house. I gently set her down into the bed slipped her shoes off, and tucked her in the bed. I was tired too, so I changed my clothes, got into our bed, shut the lights off. I drifted off to sleep just like Vera did in the car.

~Well, I actually updated fast this time! I hate how I'm rushing the story a bit. But I just want to wrap it up soon.~ Thanks again for so many reads though! I love you guys❤

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