Bad Blood

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Over the next few weeks I noticed Paul just got more distant with me than normal. Is he keeping secrets from me? The one person I have put my trust in without question is patraying me, I just know it but why, what for? I can't dwell and worry on that right now. I have a match to get ready for its big not only because its against Shawn Micheals and a paperview, but it's also the first Hell In A Cell match in history of the WWF. So this is something I have no idea how the outcome will be, but the cell is made of steal so all I can do is use it to my advantage.

I was in my match and about to pin Shawn but then suddenly an unfamiliar music started. I looked up toward the entrance of the ring to see Paul and someone in a red and black mask. I instantly knew it was Kane. Paul has lied to me my intire life just about. He walks up to the steal door and rips it off completely, he thand enters the ring and tombstones me and leaves like nothing happened.

I do not remember much of that night after that. My mid kept racing with thoughts. Some days I had wished my brother was still alive. I regret what I did and what happened to him, and i want to make it up to him. I want to get to know Kane, have a relationship with my little brotherlike we should have had. Wait if Kane is alive why has Paul been asking what if questions? Has Paul been keeping this from me for this long? Paul knew that's why he startimg bringing him up and then when I asked he got nerves and acted weird. Where has he been? What does he look like under the mask? Does he remember what I did? Does he hate me after all this time? He must have he crashed my match and cost me it. I lost because of him. It was payback, but honestly I dont blame him yeah I'm mad but then I'm not

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