11. Moved In

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I woke up bright and early

No one else was awake; I can tell by the silence

I went around the house, unpacking EVERYTHING. Surprisingly, we all had enough furniture to fill the house

Afterwards, I went to Pet Smart. I'm getting stuff for Apollo, my puppyyy

Once I got back, I put everything in my room, still, nobody was awake

I went back downstairs to the kitchen and made everybody two pancakes each

As I was finishing the bacon, I heard Jacko yell from downstairs,
"I smell bacon!" which was then followed by multiple doors opening and what sounded like someone shoving someone into a wall

When I looked over, there was a stampede of guys rushing towards me down the stairs, Parker from  the hallway downstairs

They all sat at the dining table and I gave them all a plate, then came Jacko; so that was the shoving sound

They all began eating, and didn't even mention the fact that everything was suddenly unpacked

"So, when we are finished, let's unpack our rooms," I suggested and they all nodded

Three hours later

I'm done! Wooh I'm finished! I continued to go around to the guys rooms and they were all done too

I walked back to my room and looked for a movie to watch; than my phone rang

you know- ring ring

"Hey dad!"

"Hey honey! So, although I'm going to miss the little bugger, Apollo is all ready to come and see you again."

"Yay! Thank you! I'm so excited! I already bought him a bunch of stuff!"

"Your car and him will both be there in two days"

"Okay! Sounds good!" After some more talking, we hung up

I'm so excited!
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