Ariel POV I woke up in grays arms and blushed a light shade of pink then i got up and woke him up so we can get ready For the mission after my shower i changed into a black crop top shirt and some shorts with a red flannel and my black wedges i brushed my teeth and washed my face then i walk out to see gray already done getting dressed walked over to the bed and began to make it " good morning gray " i said to him and got a quiet " good morning Ariel " from gray after i made the bed me and gray sat down her was about to say something when Erza knocked on the door signaling it was time to go i got up to open the door and saw max Lucy wendy and Natsu already at our door too " good morning guys " i said with a smile and Erza and lucy returned it with a good morning
(Time skip to at where the person who requested the mission lives)
Ariel POV We finnally made it to the persons house who requested the mission to get more info " there will need to be two opening act's and they must be pretty " the man said then he looked at all the girls standing there and he pointed at Lucy then at ME? " the two girls that i pointed will be the opening acts also the main act " Lucy the spoke up " um what are we going to be doing as the main/opening acts " she said in a nervous tone " you to lovely ladys will be strippers " " WHAT!? " me and lucy said in unison " then what will they do " Erza said looking at the guys and wendy " the little girl will be a waitress and the guy with the raven hair will be a bartender and you red haired lady you will watch the VIP section just incase the bandits come in that way with the two girl strippers then the two red haired males will serve as body gaurds for the two lovely lady's " the man said to all of us then he gave us all our outfits and me and lucys outfits were ok to me but judging by the look on lucys face it wasnt for her we had to wear bunny girl outfits
Bunny girl outfit
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It wasnt that bad i guess at least we got hosiery and its not to revealing right? So me and lucy got dressed and came out i had my hair in two pigtails waved so it wasnt touching the floor or close enough for people to step on people tell me to cut my hair but i just cant bring it to myself to cut my beautiful hair and then we all left on our way to the club to start our job ( Timeskip to everyone in therd places )
I had to guard that stupid brat Ariel because i lost in a game of rock paper scissors to natsu so he got to guard my blonde beauty and i had to gaurd a purpled hair brat that has an attention span of a 5 year old child and an attitude of a t year old to as i was watching lucy and Ariel dance i noticed people touching lucy and she specifically said no touching then i saw natsu say something and the man stoped touching her on my end of the club where Ariel was dancing i looked over and saw that Ariel looked back at me with the i need help face there were guys climbing allover the stage and touching her , pulling her hair , and one even tryed to carry her off the stage i also felt someone glaring daggers at me and it just happened to be gray Fullbuster i figured it was because i wasnt really doing my job to protect Ariel at all because i was so into seeing lucy i then got up and walked over " sorry misters but i will have to tell you to stop touching and pulling on her hair and body please " as soon as i said that they all moved then we saw the targets walk in and each one walked over to each main act and they showed the guards there VIP passes and they walked inside Erza gave us the signal to move the girls into the VIP section so me and natsu did this time i had to switch spots with gray and be a bartender instead of a body guard
Ariel POV This has been ok except for the part when all the men and women want to grab and touch your hair it really gets on my nerve alot i had to refrain myself from using my magic until it was needed Erza told me to use my singing magic to put all the people in the VIP room to sleep and try not to make them got to sleep so i walked on stage and began to sing walls could talk by hasley
When i finished everyone was asleep but us and the bandits so im guessing they caught on to the part that we use magic so they must use magic to i looked at gray and nodded and then looked at Erza and we knew what we had to do lucy opened virgos gate so that virgo could tie them up once virgo had gotten all of them tied up we were done " yay , now we're done " i said with a smile in a childish tone then Erza said " no we arnt we still have to take them to the magic council " I pouted I've had enough for one day i just want to change and eat then sleep " then lets hurry and call " lucy said beating me to the punch After the magic council came and took the criminals we went back to receive our 900,000 jewl from the man who sunt us here