Chapter Four

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So guys, I'm going to try to update this story like, every weekend. Either Friday night, Saturday or Sunday.

"So, he cheated."

"That's what people are saying, yes."


It seemed Wendy had gotten it all out of her system back in her room. So, in an attempt to break the silence, Natsu did something he hoped he never would have to.

"You know, it's kinda quiet, don't you think? Why don't you put on some of Lucy's music?"

Wendy looked up at Natsu with wide eyes. He always drew the line when she tried to play her music. He had adamantly avoided listening. The fact that he'd be willing to do it for her spoke volumes.

She smiled and took her phone out. "Okay, since this is your first time listening to her, you gotta start from the beginning. She started her career when she was 14. This was the first song she ever released."

Once her phone was connected, smooth synth like music started playing. "This ones called 'Ghost'."

Lucy's voice started filtering through the speakers, and Natsu scrunched up his face. It wasn't... bad. At all. Her voice was full of rasps and lilts, sounding deeper than he had expected it to.

'And I swear I hate you when you leave, but I like it anyways.'

He looked over to Wendy, who was already looking at him, searching his face for a reaction.

'I can't find you in the body sleeping next to me.
My ghost, where'd you go?
What happened to the soul that you used to be?'

Her voice was so full of emotion, as if she was really feeling what she was singing. She sounded so young.

His father suddenly popped into his mind. When he was younger, he often heard his mother in the living room, crying softly, as if to not wake Wendy and Natsu, who always pretending to be asleep.

Lucy's words made him think. What was their father like? Natsu had been too young to remember anything with clarity, only random bits and pieces of memory.

Was his father the type of person to make his mother cry? He hoped not. So, if he wasn't the type to hurt people, who did he used to be? And what made him change to the point of leaving?

'What happened to the soul that you used to be?

The song ended and Wendy turned to Natsu, expecting his feedback.

"She was fourteen. Why is she writing about being in bed with some guy?"

Wendy rolled her eyes. "Look dude, when the song first came out, she explained it very carefully."

She streamed an interview and forward it to the middle. Lucy's young and undeveloped voice started flowing from the speakers.

"I was fourteen for like, eighty years. That's how it felt. People were always like 'What? She fourteen?' And I'm like 'Yes, I am aware.'

"Being young is weird, because you don't really realize you're young. Like, I'm the oldest I've ever been, ever.  And when people are like 'Oh my god, you're so young' , I'm like 'well, not to me'.

"There's a lot of advantages to being young, especially in this kind of place I'm in, I guess. If you do something when you're really young that's impressive, its way more impressive to people that are older, but it's like, if you're talented, you're talented, no matter how old you are. At any age you can feel anything. Just because you're forty and you've experienced more in your life than I have, doesn't mean I haven't felt the same things, you know?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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