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Throughout the night of partying and cheers to the new king, Nakia specifies a plan to find where T'Challa is and to bring back his soul from heaven. With the heart-shaped herb, it'll magically help because it is the number one item to the entire plan. Also, what no one didn't it coming is Quinn's powers will be crucial. Ramonda, Shuri, Nakia, including Everett Ross who has recovered from his injuries are heading to the snow tribe.

The next day comes, Quinn is in her chamber putting on a big black hooded robe over her dark dress flowy to avoid drawing attention from people. Right before she leaves, Erik was at the door. Quinn jolts in shock, "Oh! Erik, you scared me," she placed her hand over her heart, "What do you need?" the girl asked him. He responded, "I just needed to show you something." He said. Quinn allows him into the room and stands in the center. "What do you want to show me, Erik?" With no answer, the man sensually removes his black robe to reveal his heavily built back. He turns around to face her, Quinn shyly looks away and blushes. "Love, watch me." Erik directed his girlfriend. Like in slow motion, his figure transforms into something very miraculous, the Black Panther.

Quinn's eyes widened, she was stunned. "How did this happened?" She asked. "When you were alone in the room, I was in the washroom when all of a sudden, the Panther Habit presented right after I was announced, king." He explained completely. The princess had a 'wow' face on, Erik chuckles under his suit "You look so cute, babe." He teased. Quinn pouts, "Well you surprised me!" She shouts and crosses her arms like a sulking kid. "I'm glad that you are shocked because the feeling of this suit is fantastic." Killmonger was captivated by his new appearance. The tiny girl slowly comes closer to lightly touch the gold and black Black Panther suit. Every inch of this suit is newly, from the material to the effects of it. Erik gently grasps her wrist and made her feel his torso. Even the muscles can be felt under the suit. The gold teeth necklace looks different compared to her brother's.

Quinn blushes "I-I probably should be going, the people are waiting for me." She said quickly. "Oh okay." Erik simply replies back. The princess made a short nod and runs out of the room to meet up with the group. She felt pitiful for lying to him. Once reaching up to her friends and family, the mission has begun.


Going through the snow tribe was a big struggle. It's freezing cold and hard to walk when there's a heavy blizzard. Apparently, it wasn't too terrible for Quinn, she posses ice and spiritual powers. One of the biggest facts about herself that no one knows about. So the cold air isn't contagious for her. The princess lets out her delicate hand to have the snowflakes land into her palm. "Such beauty." She says. Pure white like such innocence. Everett notices the princess is amazed by the snow. "Aren't your fingers going to freeze, your highness." He wonders. Quinn looks at him with an ethereal smile, making his heart flutter. "No Mr. Ross I'm used to it." She spoke in her airy voice. He walks side by side next to her to have a simple conversation.

"So, I've heard your name is Quinn Joy," Everett said.

"And I've heard your name is Everett Ross." Quinn chuckles when the older man bashfully covers his face with the cloak.

"Well aren't you just a humorous person." He countered and the girl giggled more.

Quinn speaks, "Yeah my full title is Princess Quinn Joy of Wakanda but sometimes people would call me Quinn Udaku." Everett asks her, "So you're adopted?" She nodded with pursed lips. "I was adopted into this family when I was just a small eight-year-old girl who didn't know the secret to of our lives. I used to live in a very healthy family with just a mom and dad. As you can tell my face features doesn't add up with the family I have now is because I originally came from a Korean family. My hair is blonde due to my ice powers.

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