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Third persons POV

• Back to the alley where Peter dropped his camera •

A few minuets after Peter left , a body with a huge build lands with a loud thump just beside the trash bag where Peters camera simply stood , which was now a bit bloody because of the young teens bloody mask wiped some of the blood on it.

The human giant pressed his middle and pointer finger on the comm in his ear. The masked giant in blue spoke with a astonishingly soft yet smooth velvety voice.

" Hawkeye , I'm ready for pickup "

"Be there in a minuet Cap" The other guy in the comm, Hawkeye answered.

" Captain America out " Cap said then turning off the comm. He then set his arm to his sides , he let out a sigh. He had had a battle on one terrorist group just outside the border of the city. According to the information they got on this this particular city , they had their own super hero, called 'Spiderman'. They were suppose to call him so he could take care of it but then they found out that the terrorist group had a certain alien tech weapons . They just can't leave a kid to do their work so they sent Hawkeye and Cap.

When they defeated the terrorist group they shipped the weapons back to headquarters with Hawkeye , while Cap went to investigate more. But after an hour or two he concluded that there was nothing. He then ran to their meet up place which where he was now.

Cap then leaned on the wall, closing his eyes and crossed his arms. When he heard the distant sound of a helicopter he pushed his back on the wall to get off.

He then got ready to leave , strapping his shield securely. Cap then stopped when he saw a camera which was obviously bloody. He picked up the camera then gently examined it , on its strap was the initials, 'P.P.' Confused he turned on the camera , he looks through the gallery an was surprised to see a young teen who seemed to be seventeen smiling holding up a peace sign with his right hand.

Cap continued to go through the photos which majority contained a old woman in her forties or fifties , a young girl with curly blond hair, and the boy from before. But mostly the boy.

About few minutes later , cap waited for Hawkye who has yet to arrive. The Captain was not as bored as he thought he was , he had spent the majority of his time looking through the photos in the camera.

He knew it was a rude break in of privacy but he was curious as to why such person would leave their camera in the trash it had been working perfectly , he even took some pictures with and without his cap mask. Maybe the owner was dead ? It did had blood on it but he couldn't know for sure . He had to process the blood on it to see who its owner was and why it was on the camera.

" Shit!"

A loud voice shouted from behind the captain , and there he saw the young male teen from the picture passing out.

" Whoa!!! Kid you okay?!"

He then hurried to the teen catching him. Capt. then noticed the blood dripping from his sides he the started to panic. He noticed a bag strapped loosely on the teens back he opened it then dropped the camera in it then securely closing it.

Cap picked the teen up in bridal style then ran back into the alley as he finally heard the helicopter. He rushed inside then setting the boy on the metal floor.

" Yo Cap why are you in such a hur-" Hawkye cut himself off as he saw Peter bleeding and Cap putting pressure on the wound.

" HURRY! FLY THIS DAMN CONTRAPTION AND GET BACK TO THE TOWER! HE'LL GET BETTER TREATMENT THERE ! GO!!!" Cap yelled furiously putting more pressure on Peters wound.

Hawkye ran to the controls and flew the helicopter directly towards headquarters. A few minuets later when they arrived , Cap ordered the flustered hero to put pressure on the boys wound as the captain carried the young teen in bridal style.

Gulping loudly Hawkeye shakily did as he was told , still not fully understanding their current situation. But e then mentally slapped himself , This was no time to think about that somebody is about to die and he needs their help, and that's all there is to it. Breathing deeply , hawkeye snapped out of his mental argument then they ran to their high tech clinic, sponsored by a certain iron hero.

Surprisingly they didn't run into any other Avengers and it was convenient. Maybe they're out on missions? Anyway when they arrived at the clinic the doc and nurse immediately sprang into action. Ushering the two heroes outside then closing the door. While muttering an apology.

Hawkye then turned to Cap.

" Steve what happened? " he asked the man. Looking at him curiously as the giant shifted on his feet.

" Uhh.. I kinda found him passing out, then I saw blood, and I kinda just made you bring us here because we have more advance materials to heal the boy" Steve said looking down t his feet.

Sighing Hawkeye then said " How about we take showers and change , we are both covered in blood."

Steve looked at his chest and hands and right was his friend he was indeed covered in blood. And the only thing that was not covered completely by blood was his hair.

Nodding Cap spun his heel Hawkeye doing the same then they turned to the directions of their rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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