Chapter One

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I am definitely blessed. Siobhan Lewis decided as her boyfriend, Craig Williams, cooked breakfast for the two of them on a fresh Saturday morning. Siobhan sat at the counter of the kitchen, twirling a strand of her hair as she watched him intently.

Siobhan was dressed, ready to commute to the local library with her two best friends, Akira and Tamika. However, just as she was about to walk out the door, her boyfriend of three years convinced her to allow him to make her breakfast before she left. 

It was obvious Craig was always trying to please Siobhan. Whether it was spending the money he earned from his rising music career to buy her the latest Jordans, or purchasing her a twenty-eight karat necklace at Tiffany & Co. Craig always made sure Siobhan was happy. 

Plus, with his brown eyes and strong, fitted figure, Craig was easy on the eyes. Who wouldn't want that for a boyfriend?

"You know, you could continue looking at me, Si. Or... You can begin eating up," Craig intervened cockily, breaking Siobhan out of her trance. As he slid one plate of chocolate pancakes in front of her, he pecked her on the lips, and stood in front of her. "I don't mind either one."

Siobhan laughed, biting her bottom lip as she eyed the breakfast laid out in front of her. She picked up her fork and knife, and cut out a piece to eat. Craig watched her as she chewed, a smile on his face.

"Now, who's staring at who?" Siobhan asked, grinning as she chewed her food slowly. She then stabbed at another piece, lifting the fork toward's Craig's lips. "You're tryin' to make me fat. I don't want to eat this alone. Get fat with me."

Craig laughed at his girl's sense of humor, but instead of leaning in to eat the pancake, he kissed her lips. 

"Why would I eat, if I could eat you...?" Craig trailed off as he began to trace kisses down Siobhan's lips to her neck, softly sucking the soft area. A small smirk grew on his face as he heard her moan in response, urging him to go on. 


However, their moment was interrupted by the ring of Siobhan's cellphone on the table. Craig pulled away, running a hand through his hair with an annoyed sigh. Every time he and Siobhan had some time alone, someone had to interrupt it; whether it be Siobhan's two friends, Tamika and Akira, or Craig career as a studio artist. They never had peace of mind. 

Siobhan, now remembering the plans she made her friends, shot Craig an apologetic look before reaching out for her phone. Looking at the screen, she saw a picture of Tamika flashing on her front screen. Siobhan stood from her seat, abandoning both Craig and her breakfast to answer the call.  

"Girl, my car has been parked outside your apartment for the past five minutes!" Tamika loudly exclaimed once Siobhan put her ear the phone. "Get your ass out here!"

Siobhan rolled her eyes and ended her call with her energetic friend all in one. There was no doubt that she loved her friends, but she could not deny their horrible timing. Swiftly, she walked towards the front door of her Manhattan apartment, grabbing her bag and house keys. 

"Babe, I'll see you soon!" Siobhan swiftly called out, grabbing her bag and house keys as she made her way out the apartment and down the stairs. Once she reached outside, the girl was greeted with Tamika's shiny red corvette. 

Quickly getting in the car, Siobhan slammed the door shut, earning her a sharp glare from Tamika. "Are you trying to damage my car?" 

Siobhan mouthed a playful 'sorry'. She had forgotten that this car was Tamika's baby. It was a gift from her father, who died a few years back from cancer. Ever since then, Tamika cherished the car like it was her life. 

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