Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Enjoy


Siobhan's P.O.V

Early in the morning, I took my car to school. That night, Craig never came home but he can handle himself, right?

At campus, I searched for Chelsey. My plan was to interrogate her with questions and see if she'll break.

"Hey, Chelsey!" I said when I saw her sitting on a bench outside. She was reading a book but quickly shut it.

"What's up, Siobhan?"

"Oh nothing. I just want to say hi." I said. I bit my lip and sat next to Chelsey. " is the wedding planning going so far?"

"Great!" She replied a bit too happily. I saw some feeling in her eyes but I couldn't make it out.

"If I remember, your in charge of-"

"Kiearra and I are in charge of the food." Chelsey interrupted. I nodded my head. Chelsey was being a little rude but it didn't matter.

"You're right." I said. "I hope it's going great."

Chelsey grinned. "Trust me. It is."

Since we were talking about the wedding, I thought it would be a great idea to bring up the subject of dates.

"So, who are you gunna bring to the wedding?" I asked her.

"I'm going alone...I don't really have anyone in mind."

"Really?! You don't have a boyfriend or anything?" I inquired. Chelsey shook her head.

"Nope -- well, I have one guy in mind. Actually, he's not available at the moment." Chelsey said. She must be referring to Craig! "I'll make him my boyfriend in no time."

I felt like punching Chelsey in the face just for saying that. I held my anger back for my sake. I looked at my fist and calmed down before my hand swung out by itself and hit Chelsey -- someone in the face. "Alright. Good luck with that."

"Thanks. It means a lot coming from you." Chelsey said. "Class is about to start so I'm going inside. Bye, Shivy..."

My eyes snapped to Chelsey but she was already gone. Only Prince calls me Shivy!

Maybe I was just hearing stuff. Chelsey called me Siobhan...or did she? Did Chelsey know Prince or something?

I stood up, shoved my hands into my pockets and hurried away.


Craig's P.O.V

Where was I? What happened last night? I groaned and rubbed my forehead. My entire body ached.

I realized that I laid on a bed which wasn't in my apartment. I quickly rose up but soon regretted it. My head was killing me. It was like one thousand hammers pounded into my head.

I let out a breath and stood up. I walked out of bedroom I laid in and to the living room. Whose house was this? A click at the door brought me to my senses. I grabbed the nearest object and held it up in defense.

"Calm down. It's me." A recognizable voice said. It was Chelsey.

Chelsey, Chelsey, Chelsey.

Chelsey and I aren't even that serious. We might send each other texts and met each other at places such as coffee shops and malls but that was it.

"Hey, Chelsey." I greeted. Chelsey dropped her bag on the couch. She went into her kitchen and threw me a bottle of beer.

"Here. Beer helps for hangovers."

"Hangover?" I said, taking a gulp out of the glass bottle.

"Yeah, hangover." She said. I was confused. I didn't get drunk last night. I don't even remember what happened.

"I didn't get drunk last night." I said. Chelsey walked out of her kitchen and towards me.

"Well, I found you on the ground in front of the club. I thought you passed out from drinks."

All of a suddenly, events from last night rushed into my head, causing an unbearable pain in my head and heart. I was threatened last night.

I groaned again. Chelsey rushed to my side and helped me to the couch. "Are you alright, Craig?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. I rubbed my temples with my index fingers.

"Would this help?" Chelsey asked and kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss back. Chelsey and I continued making out on the couch until my conscious told me something.

'Stop it, Craig.' My conscious nagged. Instead of listening to it, I felt Chelsey up and put my hands up Chelsey's shirt.

'Whenever you get back home, I want you to tell Siobhan what the hell is going on or else I'll hurt you so bad, you'd believe I was Freddy and Jason combined. You get the memo?' My conscious played back. I jerked Chelsey away from me.

"What happened?" Chelsey asked.

"We can't, Chelsey." I said and moved away from her.

"But don't you like this?" She inquired, scooting closer to me.

"I do...but I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to hurt myself." I said. I stood up and got ready to leave.

"Craig, you're not making any sense right now! What's stopping you from being with me?!"

"Siobhan! The love of my life!"

Disappointment flashed in Chelsey's eyes. "It's always Siobhan! Everyone I love loves Siobhan!"

What was she talking about? Why was Chelsey mad at Siobhan? Did she even know Siobhan?

"I'm leaving." I said. I headed to the door but Chelsey jumped and grabbed me.

"Don't leave! Craig, I love you!" Chelsey said.

"Psh!" I said. Her confession did by phase me. I pushed Chelsey out of my way and sauntered out of the house.


Chelsey's P.O.V

When Craig left, I stomped my foot and whispered a string of curses. My plan didn't work.

I knew Siobhan and Craig were together. If Siobhan found out, immediately, shed break up with Craig and she'll be heartbroken!

I'm working on making Siobhan's life a living hell. I love Prince but unfortunately, he doesn't love me back. He loves Siobhan. That's why I hate Siobhan.

Taking the thing closest to her would have hurt her feelings but as you can see, my plan back fired. I looked like a fool now.

Time for plan B.

This will teach everyone that you can't cut the damn cake and have it.


A/N: Did you enjoy this chapter? Great!

Follow me on twitter: AProdigy_Within

Instagram: Denise_jay

Sorry for mistakes!

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