Chapter 2

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Ives slowly wakes up hearing voices whispering.

"She just passed out" "something went wrong even the car alarms were going off and she just looked not right"

Ives groans sitting up looking around
Not seeing Chi she stands up very quick making head pound.

"Hey what are you doing" "you're hurt" Emma says trying to sit Ives back down

"Chi" "where is Chi?" Ives says looking around pulling out her IV.

"She's at the hospital's daycare" Emma says grabbing and sitting the young lady down.

"I have to go" Ives says calming down

"Well you can't ,you have 2 fractured ribs and a concussion" Emma says sitting down next to Ives on the bed
"You had no emergency contact" "no ID on you anything like that"

"Yeah i accidentally left those behind" Ives says chuckling but winces as she feels a sharp pain in her side.

"You were in a hurry weren't you" A voice says .

Emma and Ives look up to see the bitchy bitch Regina.

"Ugh why are you here" Ives says rolling her eyes.

"Seriously Regina you should leave" Emma says standing up .

"What i can't leave her alone i am her emergency contact" Regina says with a very evil smile.

"What the hell do you mean" Ives says standing up beside Emma .

"Well you had no emergency contact so me being the powerful giving mayor i am decided to be helpful" Regina smirks.

"What the hell is up with you and being strangers emergency contacts" Emma says sighing.

"Oh god" "Emma pass my pants please" Ives ask pointing to the pants on the chair in the corner.

"Sure" "but where you going?" Emma says grabbing the pants handing them to her.

"Getting far away from her" Ives says pointing at Regina who's wearing a sarcastic smirk. "and going to see my baby"

"Your baby?" "I thought she was your sister" Emma says confused

"She is my baby sister" "but she is also my baby"
Ives says then goes to put her pants on then winces feeling pain in her ribs once again.

"Here you wait I'll go get her for you" Emma says not waiting for a response and goes to get the baby.

Ives looks up to see Regina watching her with a smirk.

"Um why are you still here?" "You can go" Ives says pointing to the door.

"I am your emergency contact i feel i should stay just in case" Regina says walking around the small hospital room.

"Um well you shouldn't" Ives says putting her pants on slowly so she won't feel any pain.

"Well i am" Regina says stepping in front of Ives who is zipping up her pants.

"We're back" Emma says walking into the room holding Chi who is just looking around but coos when she sees her big sister.

Ives walks up to Emma gently taking Chi and starts kissing her all over her face as she kicks and giggles.

Emma smiles watching them
"You guys are cute"

"She's smothering the child" Regina says rolling her eyes.

"You are just a ray of sunshine aren't you" Ives says sarcastically .

"Anyway Ives you could stay with me still if you want?" Emma says smiling.

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