Uptown Girl

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Summary: Billy takes interest in a girl who has to keep it secret from her family. The Wheelers.

Author's Note: This shit took me forever to write, oh my god! 4k + words, my dears. Get a snack and get cozy.


"Billy!" I exclaimed as he captured me around the waist and tugged me behind his locker door.

Billy and I had been flirting back and forth for a while now. I thought when he first approached me that he only wanted to get under Steve's skin by dating his girlfriend's younger sister. But after Steve and Nancy broke up, he kept on flirting.

He had yet to kiss me, even though he came close many, many, times. He was a tease, and he knew it. He also knew that I wasn't self-confident enough to make the first move, so he went on teasing.

His lips would brush my cheek, in towards my nose, and suddenly he would pull back. He loved to watch my cheeks go red, always pulling away with his trademark smirk.

"Missed you yesterday." He told me, keeping his arms around my waist and tucking his head on my shoulder.

"Mhmm." I hummed, "Family thing."

I had gone with Nancy to visit Barb's parents after school. Despite the lack of clues in Barb's disappearance, they hadn't given up hope on finding their daughter. Nancy and I both considered them to be like a second family. And I think they enjoy having girls in the house, another child to parent in Barb's absence.

"Everything okay?" He questioned, giving me a slight jostle when I fell silent.

"Yeah. Just uh.... You know that girl, who went missing? Before you got here?" I inquired, arranging my hands on top of his where they rested around my abdomen.


"Nancy and I were like.... Best friends with her... I went to visit her parents."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were close." He murmured, in a type of earnestness that not many people got to hear from him.

"Yeah. Yeah... It's just hard on her family, you know?"

He hummed in acknowledgment, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Anyway. I gotta go to class." I told him, grabbing his arms and removing them from my waist.

"See ya later." He winked.

I waved him off as I made my way to my locker.


"Where are we going?" I asked as he took an odd turn on the way home. Though it was only five in the afternoon, the fall sun was beginning to set.

"It's a surprise." He smirked, reaching over and resting his palm on my upper thigh.

"You kidnapping me or something?" I questioned, moving his hand down closer to my knee.

He gave my knee a squeeze.


"Okay, as long as you get me out of Hawkins."

We drove in relative silence until the sun had gone down. His hand still rested on my lap and attempted to move further up my leg. I didn't really mind how handsy he was being, but if he wanted to tease me by not kissing me, he didn't get to leave his hand on my thigh. Two can play at that game. He pulled off the pavement and onto a gravel road that ran alongside a cornfield.

"Okay, now I'm worried that you actually are kidnapping me." I retorted as we drove further from the main road.

He chuckled, rubbing my leg reassuringly. We came to a clearing, where the cornfield met the forest. He tore into the grass, parking the car and climbing out. He took out a blanket from his trunk and threw it over the hood of the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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