The Meeting

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"U-Um... Your Majesty...?" A small voice echoed in the vast library. He sounded nervous.

The library was covered floor to ceiling in huge bookshelves that required ladders and statues to reach them all. On the second floor that looked over the first, was the sitting area to read with slightly smaller shelves that were filled with favorites of both the staff of the household and the master. Two large chairs made with cherrywood and black leather. They were positioned in front of a huge fireplace with a desk off to the right near a window.

Snapping his book closed, Dark looked at the large fireplace in front of him, "Yes?"

His voice echoed through the silent library, answering the nervous butler's call.

"There's um... something you should see." He responds back, peaking Dark's interest.

"What is it?"

"There was someone found in the garden..."

"And this requires my attention why?"

"Sir... it was a human woman."

Dark stood up, placing the book onto the table next to his chair and walking to the balcony looking over the library. He spots the servant and looks at him.

"How did a human woman enter this place?"

The servant looked scared, "W-We don't know. She was found in one of the rose bushes..."

"Where is she now?" Dark asked, walking to his right so he could descend the large staircase.

"She's in the main hall... but we think something's wrong..."

"How so?"

"She doesn't seem to understand us."


"Well sir... we're speaking in Latin... she seems to speak a human language called "English". We can't talk to her at this moment because of the language barrier."

"I see...," Dark nods and walked toward the doors, "Take me to her."

"Get the hell away from me!" She shouts, trying to kick away the guards holding her down.

"Et mane!" One of them shouted at her, struggling to control her arms.

"Magister venit! Festinare et imperium eius!" Another shouts and the men all began to struggle to hold her down more.

"Get off!" She screams and tries to push them off of her, stopping when a man is seen walking down the grand staircase towards her.

He was beautiful.

Dark ebony black hair was styled perfectly so that it looked fluffy on top. A strong jawline and handsome features were met with a small blush from the woman who had stopped struggling finally. A steel grey suit perfectly fitted to his body adorned him as well as perfectly polished black shoes.

He looked like a king in less flashy clothes.

His dark eyes were calculating, and seemed to be struggling to not look threatening.

However, he lost his 'trying to be gentle' edge when he saw the woman underneath two guards.

"Get off eius. To periculum occisio eius," he says in a demanding voice, making the guards release and back off of her.

He stepped off the stairs and took a few steps towards her.

"Who are you...? Get away from me!" She looked at him and backed off.

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