Explanations and Requests

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"I'm sorry... I don't think I heard you correctly... did you Uh...," She started, wanting him to repeat the request.

"In order to go home, you have to bear me a child. It's that simple," He responds back, acting like what he said was completely normal.

"Alright. I think we should take a step back because clearly, you're confused." She raised an eyebrow, placing a hand on her hip and the other pointing at her. "I'm human."

"Yes. I've gathered that." He nodded, an eyebrow raised, waiting to see where this was going.

"You're a demon."


"What kind of demon wants a human to bear them a child, first off. Second, what guy just walks up to some girl and says, 'Hey you. Bear me kids.' What kinda world are you living in where that works? Third, what do you even need a kid for? You look way too young to want one," She asks, an annoyed expression on her face.

The demon held up his right hand, holding up one finger, "I'm not just a demon. I'm the demon king. I rule this realm. I can choose whatever kind of mother I want."

A second finger.

"As previously mentioned, I'm the demon king, demon women would be climbing over themselves in hopes of even hearing a request like this. In this realm, demons pride themselves on having strong children to show off to other demons. It's like a "hey look my kid's better than yours' deal."

A third finger.

"I need an heir. I've hated every demon woman that has tried to seduce me. I've taken an interest in you, Human. This deal would also be beneficial to you. If you're carrying the future ruler of this realm, you won't be attacked by feral demons and lower class ones won't rape you like that would if you weren't."


"This is still the demon realm. Demons have to live up to their names. Lower class demons make themselves feel powerful by taking advantage of crossing over into the human world to kill random people or rape innocent people on the street. If you're carrying the child of a higher class demon, the lower classes know that they shouldn't touch you or they'll be next on the chopping block. Do you understand?"

"...I do but... why me?" She asked, removing her gaze from the man and looking at her feet.

"Because you're the first person to catch my eye so far." He answered simply.

"Wouldn't having a child with a human be disgraceful to your family line?" She tried to think of another excuse that she could say in hopes that he'd finally bite and take back the idea.

"I can choose who I want to bear me a child regardless of their species. I'm the king. Sure it's looked down upon, but in the end, I'm the one who gets the final say because I'm the top of the food chain." He smiles, seeing that she's running out of questions.

Her mind was racing.

There had to be something she could say to deter him.

"...I don't what to..." She muttered, knowing that what she'd said was probably stupid.

"I know. But, if you do this, I'll let you go back home. No strings attached. Just do this one thing and you're free to return to your life as you were."

"...people in my world will know that I'm missing."

"I have ways of making it so that no one will even realize you're gone. Please. I know that this is a lot to take in at once, but this is very important to me for the sake of this world."


"Let me ask this again, more politely this time might I add." Dark got down on one knee and looked up at the woman, "I know I'm asking a lot, but please consider my conditions. In exchange for allowing you to return to the human realm, I request for you to bear me a child. The gender does not matter nor does the child's origin. I just need one child as an heir to my throne. I ask this of you because if I don't have a child soon then one of the council members children will succeed the throne after me." He says, putting a hand over his heart and looking at the floor.

"...what's wrong with a council member's child...?"

"Those children have been taught since birth that the only way to rule anything is through fear and killing anyone that opposes their opinions in the slightest. They would ruin this realm and aren't even close to being worthy of having the throne. If I have a child, however... not only will they no longer be able to give the title of next in line to any of their children, but I can raise the next great ruler of this realm with my own hands. I can be sure that the next heir isn't corrupt like those children are." He explains to her, not looking up at her.

He couldn't believe that he, a king, had resulted to begging a human woman for something like this.

But it was for the sake of this world's future.

The woman looked down at the floor. She understood his problem.

...She didn't want to have a child under these conditions...

"...tell you what. I might have a way to make us both happy...," She starts. Dark's head shot up and he looked straight at her.

"I'll listen to any suggestion." He said politely.

"I refuse to have a child...," She began, Dark's hope-filled eyes slowly losing their light as disappointment spread on his face.

"I see... then-" He started but was cut off.

"Let me finish please..." She told him. He nodded and fell silent, "I refuse to have a child with a man I don't love. However, I am willing to give you some time. 6 months. If you can get me to fall in love with you within 6 months, I will agree to have a child. Do we have a better deal?"

She was buying herself time. She knew that. But he genuinely sounded like he needed help.

"I accept your request. May I add one more condition?" He asks, looking a little more hopeful.

"...What would it be?"

"During the time I'm trying to convince you to love me, will you pretend to have agreed to the original contract and act as if you are pregnant to keep the council members from naming one of their children as successor?"

She takes a moment to think before nodding, "I accept your condition."

Dark lets out a relieved laugh, "Thank you..."

She smiled a little at him as he stood up, "You're welcome..."

He holds his hand out to the woman, "Come. We need to go make an official contract."

"...How?" She looked at him suspiciously.

"It's just a couple of signatures from us both and then I'll need to place a mark on the back of your hand. Nothing intensive, I promise."

She took his hand and allowed him to begin to lead her.

She knew that she was going to regret this decision.

But, seeing at pure happiness and relief on the man's face was something that had been unexpectedly satisfying.


I'm finally getting back to this. I'm so sorry I abandoned this. I got busy and forgot about it as it got buried under all the other series I was finishing. But it's back now! Also, I'm sorry that this is kinda short. The next chaper will be longer, I promise. I just needed to get the story set up first.  

Bye Bye! *Blows kiss and waves goodbye.*

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