chapter twenty

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Yoongi blinked slowly, eyes fixed on the door that had just been closed at the other end of the hall, limbs frozen on the same position for a few seconds. The towel he was once holding against his damp hair now fell on the crook of his elbow as he allowed his hands to fall limp at his side, still staring straight at the wooden door that Jimin had passed only seconds ago. He could hear low, hissed voices down the hall into the living room and as much as he wanted to force his feet to move and just go there to try and understand what's going on, he couldn't stop himself from wondering why now; they were doing good, Jimin was doing good. They were finally, finally getting somewhere; Yoongi could finally see the light slowly coming back to Jimin's eyes after so long without it, could see the younger finally breaking out of the shell he had buried himself into for months upon months.

Now he was left wondering alone in their dorm corridor when had he thought things could work out.

He sighed, running his hand through his hair as he slowly made his way to the living room, willing his heart to slow down and think with a clear mind. The low chatter stopped when they saw him nearing the corridor, the youngest member refusing to look Yoongi in the eye as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Can someone please explain to me why I'm locked out of my room and why Jimin just passed through me like he has seen a ghost?" he asked, voice low but still high enough for only the members in the living room could hear; he didn't want the young singer listening to this, even if he doubt he could. It took a few seconds before someone opened their mouth to explain the situation, and in the end it was Taehyung who did it, refusing to maintain eye contact with Yoongi for more than a few seconds.

"Jeongguk was going through Jimin's closet and-" the singer interrupted himself, clearing his throat before trying to keep going, "A-And I guess he found something Jimin didn't want us to find." the eldest rapper turned his eyes to the younger singer in the room, gaze focusing on the orange packet on his closed hands. He didn't need to ask what it was, he wasn't stupid. Something was heavy on his chest and he felt like his throat was closing up but he only swallowed the feeling away, averting his eyes from the orange parcel before he started crying. He needed to keep calm, keep his head in place; Yoongi needed to have full understanding before acting on whatever it was happening at the moment.

He sighed slowly before questioning, "And what did he say?"

"That it wasn't what we were thinking," it was Jeongguk who answered this time, unclenching his fingers around the packet in his hands and moving it around with his fingers a bit, blinking slowly, and even before the younger kept going, Yoongi already had an idea what caused Jimin to lock himself in the room like that, "But hyung this is open and-"

"Did you even let him explain himself or just accused him right away?" the rapper didn't meant to sound so harsh but the words escaped his mouth before he could think better, thinking about his boyfriend's tear stained cheeks. He watched as Jeongguk's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water and Taehyung refused to look at anything that wasn't his own hands fisting the end of his hoodie anxiously. Yoongi rubbed his eyes, a heavy sigh leaving his lips as he willed the beginning migraine to go away, "I'm not mad, I'm just... Put yourselves in his place. How would you guys feel if any of us suddenly accused you of something? We can't- Look, we can't make Jimin feel like we don't trust him, because that'll only push him further away. We have to let him feel safe, not threatened by us. And I know you two didn't mean any harm, but think before speaking. Words can harm more than actions."

Taehyung sighed before getting up, "I'll talk to hi-"

"Don't," Yoongi cut him off, leaning against the wall while his fingers went through his hair, pulling at the strands; grounding himself the best that he could, "Let him be, I'll talk to him later. He needs his time alone too." the young singer sighed but said nothing in response, dragging his hand down his face and pinching the bridge of his nose. Jeongguk silently made his way inside again and the sound of him closing his bedroom door echoed through the quiet living room, no one daring to say anything. Yoongi dropped his head, the edge of his skull making a dull sound when it hit the wall, his eyes fluttering closed.

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