Ghostbusters costume

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Third person p.o.v

It was Halloween time and Dipper couldn't be more excited. He was having he's first Halloween with Norman and he made the perfect costumes for they.

The ghostbusters! It is so ironic and great at the same time.

"I really like it, Norman is going to like it" Mabel say patting her brother on the back pretty hard causing Dipper to laugh nervous "thanks Mabel"

"You think he will like it?" he asked her.

"Yeah, you guys dating stuff so he haves to like it"

"He can still not like it-"

"No! Once you date you have to like everything even know it's cute"

"Wait it's ugly!?"

"No...well-" Mabel say as Dipper then hit he's head on the table in defeat and then say "I can't show this to Norman! He would make fun of me or worst dump me!"

"You know Norman won't do that" she say softy rubbing he's back "he would love it"

"You sure?"



Dipper sigh as he knocked on the door and then immediately hear the voice of a angle aka Norman telling he's family he got the door.

Norman rushed to the seeing it was just Dipper making him smile "Dipper! Your early?"

"O-oh yeah, I-I wanted to give your costume"

"Oh yeah come in" Norman say stepping to the side so Dipper can come in.

The two boys went to he's bedroom and once inside Dipper immediately show Norman the costume with he's eyes close.

A moment of silence happened and then Norman stat giggling making Dipper freak out.

"I knew you don't like it it was just a thought and-"

"I love it"

"Oh my god! Why are you crashing my shoul-wait what?" he say eventually opening he's eyes.

Norman playfully roll he's eyes with a smile as he gently kiss Dipper on the lips.

Dipper was completely speechless.

"Dipper I love it, it was so thoughtful of you doing this for me, being in this relationship is so amazing your amazing and your gift is amazing"

Dipper grin to ear to ear as he gave him a big hug.

"Ready to go trick or treating?"


"That was awesome!" as the two boys holding hands pour out there candies on the floor.

Norman laughed "your face when you saw that costume"

Dipper blushed looking down "it looked real" he mumble shyly.

Dipper then start singing the theme song with the proton pack aka the vacuum cleaner on.

"Something strange in the neighbor! Who you gonna call?!"

"Ghostbu-mmf!" Dipper say as he accidentally got he's lips stuck in the vacuum cleaner but don't worry he got it out.

"Dipper? You okay?"

"No-I mean y-yeah I mean yeah"

Norman smile as he gave him a quick peek on the lips "good" he mumble softly.

They both cuddle each other totally forgetting about the candy.

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