Faking it. (Tweek's P.O.V)

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So Craig and I have been dating for about three years now and my parents just told me we're moving. I couldn't tell Craig. He'd get mad and won't want to talk to me. So I suppose I should keep it a secret for a while.....and hope for the best.

It's been two weeks now and Craig still doesn't know I'm moving. It hurts me not being able to tell him. I'm heading to school now and going to try to stay cool about it.

"Hey Tweek!"

"O-oh hey. W-what's up?"

"I was wondering what you did his weekend."

Crap... I can't tell him about me moving. I have to think of something! I've been stressed all weekend and I can't think.

"I...um...I d-didn't do much C-Craig."

"Oh. Ok then. Want to know what I did?"


"I kissed a picture of you alllllllll weekend."

"-GAH- C-Craig what!?"

"You're just to cute that I couldn't resist!"

He pulled me close and then kissed me. I felt his soft lips on mine. It was nice.

"Hey, you're blushing a lot."

"W-what!" I covered my face quickly.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed."

"C-Craig -GAH- stop it."

I pushed Craig off of me and noticed that he grew significantly over the weekend. I didn't notice until just now. I don't know how I JUST noticed, but I did.
Craig put his around my shoulder. I squeaked and then blushed.

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