Leaving (Tweek's P.O.V)

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As I continued packing Craig was pacing around my room. It worried me but I continued.

"Please stay."

"I-I can't, Craig."

"Tweek please."

I hate seeing him like this. It angers me. Why do I have to leave? I don't want to.

"Tweek! We're leaving in twenty minutes so be ready."

"-GAH- T-twenty minutes!"

"Yes twenty minutes."

"I need more time!"

"No! Twenty! Minutes!"


Now I have way less time to talk to Craig and also I don't want to leave him.

"I need to go anyway Tweek."

"W-wait Craig. Don't go."

"Hmm?" Craig said as he walked to my window.

"Don't leave. Come with me."

"I can't Tweek but I love you. You should always remember that."

Craig jumped out of my window and walked down the street. My parents said I have ten minuets left and I can't see Craig anymore. My life is ruined. I can't go on. I just can't.


"Where are Tweek and Craig?"

"They're probably fuckin' making out in the bathroom. Kissing each other and all that gay shit."

"Eric! Did you just say the 'F' word?"


"No. He's talking about 'fuck'. You can't say 'fuck' in school, you fucking fatass."


"Why da fuck not?"


"Dude, you just said 'fuck' again!"




"What's the big deal? I doesn't hurt anybody. Fuck-fuckidy-fuck fuck fuck."

"How would you like to see the school counselor?!"

"How would like to suck mah balls?"



"Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What I meant to say was...*picks up megaphone* HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SUCK. MAH. BALLZ. Mr. Garrison?"

"Holy shit dude."

Sorry that a part was totally unnecessary but I was thinking about it and I put it in there so...like I said sorry.

Y.O.L.O (You only leave once)Where stories live. Discover now