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How are you all....

When and how did we first meet?

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When and how did we first meet?

Who is your best friend's hero?

If you could go any place on earth, where would it be and why?

What is your favorite color?

What is our favorite food?

What is the name of your best friend’s crush?

What is your best friend’s biggest fear?

If your best friend were deserted on an island, what are the three things she/he could not live without?

What three movies does your best friend love the most?

What part of your best friend’s body is their favorite?

What are the two things your best friend does not know about you?

How would you describe your best friend’s ideal partner/spouse?

How long does it take your best friend to get dressed?

Which is your best friend’s favorite season and why?

What is your best friend’s dream job?

If you were out together, what would your best friend eat?

Which part about your best friend that you admire most?

If your best friend were to wear a shirt/blouse or a Tee, which would it be?

What are the three items your best friend always carries with them?

What's your best friend’s favorite TV show?

Would your best friend watch a chick-flick, action, comedy or a horror movie?

What is your favorite inside joke?

What favorite memory do you two share?

What is the one thing that annoys you most about your best friend?

Between the two of you, who takes longer to get ready?

If your best friend could meet anyone at that time, who would it be?

Does your best friend have any strange phobias?

Does your best friend like loud music or music that is at a much reasonable level?

What does your best friend think about the most?

What is the last book your best friend read?

What is the last book your best friend read?

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