Chapter 7 : Four walls

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Rhemiel woke up alone in a room the room was cold and farmilya she walked around the room touching the walls, as she fingers felt the coldness she almost screamed she had been here before long ago, her heart froze "no sector G but how?"  she couldn't see him but he was there" oh honey you remeber the room dont you?" " let me out, now" "nope you remember how Henry would lock you in here for days and weeks to try and break you the man had styel ill give him that" " i swear to god Raphael let me go" "no i think im gona keep you here for a while more" "how long have i been in here?" she asked not wanting to know the answer but it was given no less " 14 days" "what? how? when?" "does it matter your not leaving till i know you've been broken just enoth to watch you fali and you honey becaues your weak" " hey Raphael " "yes" " fuck you"  he rolled his eyes and left her alone, she dropped to the floor and laid her head down on the floor and cried.

14 days ago: " so whose up for a cup of tea?" Lux asked as she got up off the couch and headed to the kitchen, Rhemiel stood up, " me but first I need a sweater Ash I'm stealing your blue one" "fine but you have to kiss me first" she leaned over and kissed him as she moved away he grabbed her wrist and kissed her again then let her go as there fingers touch as they parted, " I love you" he called to her "yeah put it in writing" she responded she walked in to the room grabbed the sweater put it on walked over to the mirza and gasped as she saw Zadikel standing behind her she felt a punch then pain and lastly darkness.

back to now Rhemiel sat in the corner of the room four walls kept her in she held her knees to her chest and sobbed, " you are so pefetic its sad really" she lifted her head up then stood up silently and followed the voice, "you think so" "yes sill y little thing question" "yes" she ran her hand along the wall she was up to something "Ash what's he like? to fuck I mean" " never you mind" "oh so you don't fuck just make love gag me" Rhemiel stoped "look just kill me or let me go I don't care" "sorry love not till your head is all messed up, what was it 5 months before you snapped last time killing does poor men" "shut up, you trade places with me and see what happens to" "id raver not I don't crazy" then Rhemiel was alone again, more days past and Ash was worried he had looked everywhere for Rhemiel but he was at a loss he sent Lux and Caleb to search by the lakes and rivers just incase, on this particular day he received a message in  is mind, "hey handsome kidding I'm the hot one" "yeah right have you seen my abs" "funny so its been long enoth we have her and if you wanna see her again blah, blah, blah you know the drill sector G basement level Red 2 be there bring the bitch and her dog demon thing tonight at 6 don't be late oh and Ash that's in 30 minuets oh and also" "yeah" "wear something sexy" later" he punched the wall smashing a ole right few it as Lux and Caleb came back, "dad what happened is it mom?" " yeah Raphael has her at sector G in some sub basement" "oh wow so I actually get to see  sector G" "yeah I hope you never would what that place did to me, what henry did to your mother Lux its not a place I like returning to" " I understand but Caleb and I are coming with you" "find arm your self's and don't be brave if it looks bad get out do you understand?" " yes" they both said together Ash grabbed the two staff's and lux  grabbed her moms Angel blade and Caleb grabbed his jacket and they left to find Rhemiel.

they stood out sided the entrance to sector G that was hidden from the out sided world Ash stepped forward he almost fainted "we have to hurry" he said grabbing out a torch he turned it on and lead the way down in to the deeps of hell as it were, they stoped at a faded sing that read RED in dark writing Ash pushed the doors and they swung opened as they walked in Zadikel grabbed Caleb and stabbed him over and over in the back then let his lifeless body fall to the floor, Lux screamed Ash turned and saw the fear in his daughters eyes, " lux" he spoke to her mind " dad he's gone" "Lux run".

she nodded and run back up towards the top Jophel, Ariel, Charmel, Gabriel and Zadikel ran after her, Ash turned and saw the white room it was small he walked over to it and touched the wall, at the same time as Rhemiel did, "Ash you shouldn't have come" "why?" "its a trap they planed this Ash there gona kill Lux save her go" "not with out you" "Ash Lux need her dad now ill be fine please don't let them take our daughter away" " okay, but I'm coming back for you" "I would expect anything less" she said smiling Ash walked away from the white wall and turned and ran after Lux, Lux hided in an old cell, " oh your hiding god you suck, you know that's your moms room" "what?" "yeah your gona die in the room where you were made" " I don't think so and your wrong about me I'm Rhemiel and Ash's daughter I'm stronger than you think" Lux said as she walked out in to the hall way and stood where her mom did years before and a mixture of red and blue flams covered her "your not meant to be able to do that" Ariel said "yeah well I guess I'm lucky" she said as the flams danced across the floor and wrapped around them she pulled them all to the floor, Zadikel got back up "little bitch" she said as she pulled out a whip and flicked it at Lux it wrapped around her keck and she pulled making Lux fall down, she hit the floor hard and whimpered in pain, Ash showed up and saw the flams go out, "hey Zadikel let go of my daughter" Zadikel turned and revelled another whip and wrapped it around Ash's neck she pulled and he crashed in to Lux they both laid on the floor in pain Zadikel handed the whip to Charmel her madded them electric Ash and Lux both screamed, Rhemiel stood up walked over to the walls and touched  them she felt her fire grow and she pushed with all her strength and then the flams exploded, blowing up the whole space she walked over to and out cold Raphael "whose weak now" then she walked over to Caleb she knelt down and picked him up, "rhem" "Don't speak okay" "no tell her....I love her and she saved me with her love" "I will" he died in Rhemiel's arms she carried him up to where they were laid him down then walked over and stood behind they female fallen, Lux grinned "your scewd now"  as she said it Ash looked up and smiled, "why the fuck are they smiling?" Gabriel asked "that would be because of me now let my family go or ill burn your asses to the ground you have 3 seconds and by all means take your time" " your crazy" Ariel said "wait want that not the point of the white room, I guess it failed" " zad lets just go we can finish this later lets go" fine but I'm not done someone will die" she said as they turned and pushed past Rhemiel Ash and Lux laid on the floor Rhemiel ran over to them and held them both "lets go home" she said helping them both up, later they said go bye to Caleb Ash held on to a crying Lux. 

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