Tamaki Amajiki birthday shitposts (TRSHP part 4)

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Totally relatable shitposts part 4 (Tamaki Amajiki birthday edition) Ft. Mavis Chan 

A/N: These are 'totally real' quotes from the MHLA series

^The Big three and Mavis if they were in a Lion King (sort of) AU^

Mirio: I can see what's happening,

Nejire: What?

Mirio: And they don't have a clue,

Nejire: Who!?

Mirio: They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line, our trio's down to two!

Nejire: ..........

Nejire: Wouldn't that mean that we'll be known as the elite four?........Y'know what Mirio? I think I just made a pun!

Mirio:......... Sure, why not?


^Tamaki when asked what he wished for his birthday^

Nejire: Hey Amajiki-kun, what did you wish for your birthday?

Tamaki: The sweet release of death...Oh, and uh, some cake would be nice....

Nejire, completely oblivious to the morbid thing Tamaki wished for: Would you say you want....Death by chocolate--------- cake?

Tamaki: ........Sometimes I question your sanity.....


^Mavis when she makes cringe-worthy song puns at Tamaki's birthday party^

Mavis: When are we going have cake? ........Because *snickers*.... I'm hungry like the wooooooolllllffff~!!!!!!

* Almost everyone is cringing, except for Kirishima and  FatGum, who are wheezing* 


^Mavis when having curiosity about Tamaki's quirk^

Mavis: Hold on just a sec, if I make love to you, and we like, made a sex tape, would that mean that would count as hentai?

Tamaki, blushing: Why are you like this??? 

A/N: I have no regrets on the last joke! Happy 18th birthday Tamaki, Hope you and Mavis have a wonderful day together!

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