11~ Trying to find you

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You couldn't sleep, you hadn't been able to for three days. Your baby was gone, the police had been doing everything they can to help you get her back. You, Yoongi and Daehwan have all been going out everyday to see if there were any traces of either of them. So far, there was nothing. Yoongi came in and sat on the arm of the sofa before handing you your coffee. He rubbed your back gently.

"I know this is hard for you baby, It is for me too. Today I think let's go out again. Check to see if there are any motels she's checked into, we should first check out of the area. I highly doubt she would have stayed in the area." he suggested and you nodded. You went upstairs into the children's room, feeling pain at the empty bed that was still made. You picked up your son weakly, and carried him downstairs.

"Daehwannie, we are going to be out all day again today, please eat your breakfast and drink your orange juice to have energy" you kissed the top of his head. One of your children had already been taken. Even though you could leave him with someone you trust, you refuse to because you want to keep him by your side at all times. These past few days have been hard for poor little Daehwan too.

"Mommy, is Daehee coming back today?" he asked.

"I hope so sweetheart." you replied.

"But you say that everyday" Daehwan began to cry "I want Daehee!" he screamed.

---------DAEHEE + MRS. PARK----------

"I want mommy, where is mommy meeting us miss?" Daehee asked.

"In a special place. Come on, we have to go now." Mrs.Park told the little girl and took her outside where their taxi was waiting. "To the airport please." Mrs. Park requested.

The two girls got off the plane in the states. Mrs. Park picked up Daehee and collected the cases. Meeting her husband. They drove home and unpacked before sitting Daehee on the bed in her new room.

"Wanna go meet one of granny's friends?" Mrs park asked and Daehee nodded.

"Mommy will be there right? With daddy and Daehwan?" Little Daehee asked.

"I don;t know, lets find out" Mrs park replied before going to her friends house. Little did she know what awaited her...


"Daehee! Daehee!" Yoongi called out, his phone flashlight shining around the forest, his sons small hand holding his tightly. The snap of a twig was heard behind them. They both jumped and Yoongi picked up Daehwan who was clinging onto him for his little life. Yoongi turned around to be faced with his wife, tears were pricking her eyes. Yoongi held her close.

"Shhh sweetheart, we'll find her. It's alright" he comforted, leading his wife and son out of the forest.
Just then, his phone went off.

Mrs.Park was at her friends house Daehee sat quiet and miserable on the floor.

"Oh Jihye" Mrs Park's friend said "I promised to let you meet my son next he was home." She smiled, mostly at Daehee since she recognised her face, being her midwife and all. "Mark, my dear son! Come down here baby" she called and a handsome young boy came skipping down the stairs. His face fell when he saw Daehee, he put a finger to his lips to tell her not to say anything.

"Ahh hello. You must be Mrs. Park, and who's this little one?" He asked, crouching in front of Daehee and winking with a smile.

"Ahh, this is my niece Daehee, I'm having her over for a few weeks whilst her parents are busy planning a wedding. Shes pretty sad though because shes missing them" Mrs park lied.

"Oh well that's no fun. How about I take her to the park nearby to play for a while then" he suggested and Mr. Park agreed. His mom nodded at him and as soon as he left the door he made a phone call.

"You've what? Oh my god! Mark thank you so much!" Yoongi was crying by now, getting into his car. "Please, keep an eye on her. We will get there as soon as we can. I owe you big time" Yoongi said as he buckled in his son in the backseat. He put the phone down and drove off with his wife in the front seat.

"Yoongi, whats happened? Where are we going?" You asked, inquisitively. Yoongi held your hand tight.

"We're going to the states honey, we're getting back our baby girl" he smiled and you cried out of happiness.


2 days had passed and Mark agreed he was going to meet Yoongi and his wife at the park, telling Mrs Park he was just taking her to play. Daehee was playing on the swings as Mark was looking for the married couple and their son. As soon as he spotted them, he took Daehee's hand and led her out to the path where the Min's were walking down.

"Daehee, who's that?" He cooed. Daehee looked down the path and saw her parents.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She screamed and ran into her mom's arms. Soomi cried as she held her daughter tight, Yoongi joining them both, not forgetting to push their son in between them too, including him in the hug. Mark slowly walked over to them.

"Mark. Thank you so much." Yoongi said as he stood. He hugged Mark tight. "I really owe you one" he told Mark.

"Well my mom called the cops for Mrs. Park to be put away for a very long time." He told them. "However, its getting late, stay at my place the night" he told them and they nodded.


When they got back, Yoongi called Jimin to fill him in on everything that happened. They had their baby girl back. When he came off the phone he looked over to see his wife sleeping on the couch, his two kids cuddling her close as she slept, knocked out from the exhaustion.

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