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i woke up crying.

the past 4 days

i have woken up
in tears.

but i dont know why.

i cant remember my dreams.

ever since i started

working at bighit.

i got out of bed, and went to the bathroom.

i looked in
the mirror

my eyes were puffy and red.

how long
had i
been crying?

i took a shower

i brushed my teeth
and washed my face.

i put on some ripped
boyfriend jeans, an orange tee, my oversized purple adidas jacket.

i left my hair down
and put on some makeup.

i went to the kitchen and grabbed a cereal bar then walked out the door.

today was nice.
the sun was out, i walked through the park and saw children in their uniform walking to school with their parents, which made me smile.

when i arrived the reception was busy so i decided not to say hello to mina, one of the receptionists. i walked over to the elevators, only for someone to tap me on the shoulder.


"hey, ive met you
before right?"

"yeah, i went to
a signing because one
of my friends went."
i looked at the floor,
not knowing how to react
to the situation.

"yeah, thats right
i remember! that was like
3 and a half years ago ."

"wow, time really
does fly huh?"

we got into the lift and
i pressed the button for the 9th floor,
"what floor are you going to?"

"6th floor please."

i pressed the button for the 6th floor and the lift started ascending.

the elevator dinged as it reached the 3rd floor, the doors opened, only to reveal


and damn did he look

he was wearing a white tee with a denim jacket and ripped jeans.

jezuz he gets better looking
by the day

i moved back a bit into one of the corners, not knowing what to do being so close to him
because i mean

its not everyday
you share
an elevator with

someone that people

would kill for

"JIMIN! where were you?
i went to pick you up
but you werent at
your house."
hoseok said,
eyebrows furrowed .

"oh i stayed over
at yoongis place."
he bit his lip, and looked
over to me
"hey, yeona?"

"hello jimin"

"wow i met you ages ago.
you work here now ,
apparently youre really

"really? i just-"

the elevator dinged at hoseoks

"OKAY BYE GUYS, ILL TALK TO YOU LATER CHIMMIE!" hoseok almost shouted.

"bye hoseok"

the doors closed.

as soon as i could turn around to look at jimin, he had me pinned to the wall. his breath was hitched and he was so close to me, i could feel his hot breath on my neck.

"are you sleeping with anyone?"

the question was asked
so casually, if took a second to process what he'd said.

i inhaled sharply.
"why is it any business
of yours?"

he looked at me and i felt his tremendous power and steely control; and this almost electric feeling i felt whenever he was present.

"because i want to fuck you
yeona. i need to know
whats standing in my
way, if anything."

the sudden ache between my thighs had me tremble a bit, as i nearly lost my balance.

he held me tighter, to make sure i didnt fall.

"what if im not interested?"
which was a complete
and utter lie, i just-
well i barely knew the man!
and now he wants to get in my pants? jezuz, talk about sexualising women.

a ghost of a smile touched his lips and made him impossibly more handsome. hoLy fUcK

the ding that signaled we had arrived at my destination made me jump. i'd never been so aroused. never been so scorchingly attracted to another human being. never been so offended by a person i lusted after.

he released me and i stepped out of the elevator and faced him.

he smiled
"until next time,

the doors closed and i was still trying to process everything in my head.


is he

playing at?

wow this chapters really long. but yeah anyway fight me if you dont like it. vote, comment share whatever idk do what you want. PLEASE KEEP READING IF YOU LIKE IT BECAUSE ILY THANKS


sorry lmd

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