Chapter one- Coming home

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The crib that the baby laid in was a mess; beer cans were thrown everywhere, boxes of empty condoms scattered around the places and inside there was a small baby that was in a crib coughing through the smoke and ash flew through the tainted air of the trampy apartment. As the coughing got louder, the Mother smoking like a steam train let out a light growl from her lips. "Shut up." She demanded the child like he could understand her every word.

A few minutes of the irresponsible mother lighting cancer sticks and smoking them with her chapped lips, the coughing turned into a mix of crying and wheezing from the baby, this obviously wasn't good for him at all but did that stop the Mother? Hell no. She just let out an annoyed groan and continued until she heard a knock at her door. That caused her to raise an eyebrow. "Odd," She uttered to herself. "I don't think I have a client today." She got up to see what was going on.

By 'client' most people would assume that she was something like a businesswoman or a lawyer but no; she was a prostitute and a very cheap one at that. She was just a simple street prostitute, one that offered £25 for an hour and £1.50 for a handjob in an ally the chavvy areas of Birmingham, she wasn't high priced or even classy at all, and it was obvious from her appearance too. She dressed like a housewife who had just woken up from a hangover, she was in a hot pink dressing gown but underneath it, there was a tattered lingerie, it had greyed in colour from the years. Her face was no different either, altho she didn't seem like she was that old, her makeup had run all over her face which made her appearance messy looking, it also didn't help how her hair was dyed white and her teeth were crooked and blackening from the number of cigarettes she had inhaled. 

The door knocked again but this time there was a man's thick Irish accent on the other side of the door. "Hello?" He asked. "Is anybody in?" She sighed lightly, taking one last puff from her cigarette before he knocked again, but this time it was louder which caused the baby to cry louder, the voice seemed to hear the child's cry. "I mean, ye have a baby in there, lass, I think yer fookin' in." The woman let out a defeated sigh as she swung the door open aggressively to the man. 

And there she was, she lightly slunked away from him as she saw his appearance. Sure, he wasn't an intimidating bloke but he was very tall, he stood at the height of 6'5 and glared down at her small figure. Other than the height, he looked friendly, like the guy who'd possibly buy you a drink at the pub or an older brother who really cares for a sibling. He hair was cut short and gelled up, he had thin, short eyebrows just above a pair of brown eyes, underneath his right eye he had a beauty mark. His skin was pale, but not unhealthy pale, pale like everyone else is in Britan. He wore a simple leather jacket, a white t-shirt, a pair of jeans and he had combats boots on. 

The annoyed woman stood herself up more, trying to look more confident in front of the man. "Are you here for an appointment?" He shook his head as she looked really confused. "No, I was here fer one ages ago, love." The prostitute raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Care to explain?" The nodded to her. "Well, the names Connor Atkinson, do you remember that?" She shook her head back to Connor. "No, Connor, I've had a lot of people since then." Connor looked at the crib with the child that was still bawling his eyes out inside of it. "Well, I left ya a lil gift," He pointed towards the crib as he got closer to her. "That. That right there is me child, bitch. Now give em up 'cause it's obvious you're givin' em a shiet life." 

With that dramatic comment, she simply shrugged. "Ok." Her calm voice echoed through Connor's brain. "Ok?" He asked. "So I can just... take em? Shiet, I'm GLAD I'm taking em away." He pushed past her to which she let out a quite 'rude' under her breath. He heard it, but that comment was the last of his worries at that point, Connor moved his way to the crib where he saw the screaming child for himself and the Father honestly felt horrible for his newborn son. "Ye live like a fookin' tramp, bitch," He criticised the mother as he picked up the baby and held him in his arms, bouncing the newborn up and down lightly in an attempt to calm the poor child down. "I mean just look at this crib, there actual fookin' condoms in here, what the fuck, lady?" He carried the child away as he pushed past the prostitute again, she shut the door behind him and started to walk with the child in his large arms all the way to his apartment for his child to have a new home with new chances.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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