32; end

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felix looked down at his phone, and then at the box of letters changbin had sent to him before it all happened. he read the note that was off from the rest. he didn't want to read it until now, in fear that it would push him over the edge.

felix, you're my everything. everything about you is so beautiful and easy to admire. suicide crosses my mind so often. but not when i'm with you. but then, i felt like i didn't have you anymore. felix. felix. that's such a beautiful name. how is everything about you just so beautiful? god, you're amazing. life is too much. i'm sure by the time you get this, you will have heard the news. i'm sure i'll be a hot topic for a week. you're my everything. i've already said that, but it's so true i have to say it again. remember when you said i was roseate? i'd just learned that word that morning. it made me feel so loved. like someone appreciated me. i'll miss our talks. i think the only thing i'll miss is you.


p.s.; i love you too

felix couldn't stop the tears after that. he leaned onto the box, and he cried himself to sleep, but not before whispering a quiet, "you were the most important person i'll ever lose."

but the truth, sad or not, was that changbin was dead and was never coming back, no matter how much felix wanted him to.

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