The Intruder

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-Oakleys Pov- 

"HOW DARE YOU COME AFTER HER MAN. I THOUGHT WE WHERE BROS." Killan, My bro who dyed his hair purple and has grey eyes yells. " I show you the best part of my woods while we where together. Two weeks after you break up with me, you bring this fine lady to our spot? Not cool bro."
Paisley Stares in shock. Oh yeah I forgot to mention Killan is also my ex boyfriend.
"Sorry bro, I wasn't planning to go that far with her it just sorta happened." I shrug it off. "We will just leave. Sorry bro that must of hurt."
I try to grab Paisleys hand and we walk back to the car. She pulls away.
"So who was that lovely intruder I just met?" Paisley asks.
Oh crap.
"his name is Killan." I play it cool.
"So did you guys ever date? Did you break up two weeks ago?" She adds.
"You could say both those statements are true." I reply calmly.
"Ok, um well could you do me a favor?" She asks.
"Anything for you doll." I reply like a true player.
"Valenetino doesn't need to know about that ok? Plus I am not your girlfriend don't treat me like one." She replys almost coldly.
"Alright, in one condition." I add and pause for dramatic effect. "You can not be with Valenetino or you move out."
She stays silent for a while then replies with music to my ears.
Yes she will fall for me I will make her mine. I turn up the radio and continue down the road. twenty minuets later Valenetino wakes up and we pull into my drive way.

Authors note
Sorry guys this was just a short teaser chapter

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