Chapter 1 - Part 3

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After Laila had gathered her belongings, she followed the ghoul and the fighter into an office like area behind the stage. Tommy placed himself in a creaky leather chair behind a desk and Cait slouched against a wall opposite it. The room was small, with pale blue paint chipping of the walls and a few faded posters decorating it behind the desk. The wanderer replaced her sweater, coat and belt, and checked to see if her pistol was still in its holster. She patted the nervous canine reassuringly on his large head, he had watched the fight anxiously and was determined to protect her against further harm. Finally she crossed her arms and faced the proud owner of the Combat Zone.

"So, New Blood, what did you think of that?" Tommy was excited, his arena would benefit greatly from two amazing female fighters. He wanted this mysterious stranger, but he wasn't sure if he could convince her to stay.

"You tell me," Laila's stare pierces the bloodshot eyes of the ghoul. "did we put up a good show?" Her voice is filled with mock innocence and dripping with sarcasm.

"Yeah Tommy, did we do it for you?" Cait looks at the woman who defeated her and the corners of her mouth twist slightly, as if smiling at her. "I know he gets off on it." She confides, loud enough for Tommy to hear but he ignores it.

"I would have preferred you putting up more of a fight. You're strung out and getting sloppy. You need to curb the chems darling." His tone is reprimanding and the last part was added in a determined whisper. Laila nodded to herself, she had been correct. Cait was an addict, a bad addict, and Tommy knew.

"I'm not yer darlin'!" the redhead spat at him, stepping away from the wall as if to attack. The ghoul ignores her again and turns his attention back to Laila.

"Don't mind her, she hates losing." His eyes sparkle with excitement when he continues. "But you! You weren't half bad in there. You interested in making this a regular thing?" He sounds hopeful and that disgusts the brunette.

"And why would I want that?" she raises her eyebrow and stares him down.

"Aside from the adoring fans? Here, take this." He tosses her a small pouch which she catches instinctively. It rattles satisfactory and when she opens it she sees it's filled with bottlecaps, the strange currency of this new world. "The more you fight, the higher your payment. You also get a room to crash in for as long as you fight. Sounds good right?" he glint of hope lights up his washed out grey eyes. Layla looks from him to Cait and back to Tommy.

"You're kidding right?"

"Would ya believe it Tommy," Cait snickers "not everyone finds your 'humble establishment' the dog's bullocks."

"Lost some of it's charm, has it?" Tommy sneers back before eyeing Laila. "I didn't think you'd be interested. Something tells me you won't be calling a place like this home." He didn't seem disappointed. Laila didn't respond, instead she just scratched her large furry companion behind his ears.

"Well," Cait stretches her arms in front of her and cracks her neck. "since this puts an end to the business talk, I'm just gonna get ready for the next fight." She turns her back on Tommy and stops in front of the woman who blocks the doorway. "Move aside, girly." Dogmeat growl and she hisses back at him.

"Get ready? You mean you're going to shoot more of that junk into your arm." the ghoul stood behind his desk and Laila stared at them slightly amused, crossing her arms again. Cait turned back around, and if looks could kill Tommy would be a goner. "I don't think so little bird." He motioned for his fighter to move back and then he glared quickly from one woman to the other, thinking something over and making a decision. "I have a proposition for you. What is you, eh, sorry but I didn't quite catch your name?"

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